New ! Chemistry MCQ Practise Tests

Mostly asked two mark questions in Periodic Classification Of Elements

11th Standard

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Answer all the questions
Time : 00:50:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 50

    Part - A

    25 x 2 = 50
  1. How does atomic and ionic radii vary across the group and period.

  2. Mandeleev predicted that elements with atomic weights 72.68 and 70 in group IV and their properties. Name the elements that were discovered later and have properties predicted by Mandeleev.

  3. Give Mosley's relationship.

  4. Briefly outline anomalies of Mandeleev's periodic table

  5. Explain how will you find the atomic number of an element from the frequency of X-rays emitted by an element.

  6. The element 119 has not been discovered. What would be the IUPAC name and symbol for this element? On the basis of periodic table, predict the electronic configuration of this element

  7. Write the general electronic configuration of s,c ,p, d, and f block elements

  8. Name the first and the last elements in the following periods (n) .
    (i) n=:4
    (ii) n = 5
    (iii) n = 6
    (iv) n = 7

  9. Mention the characteristics of 's' block elements.

  10. Mention the characteristics of 'p' block elements

  11. Mention the characteristics of 'd' block elements.

  12. What are lanthanides and Actinides? [OR) Mention the characteristics of 'f' block elements.

  13. Explain why covalent radius is always shorter than actual atomic radius

  14. Explain the cause for the variation of atomic radius along a period.

  15. The ionisation energy of boron is less than that of beryllium. Explain

  16. How does ionisation energy vary in a group?

  17. Explain the influence of shielding effect as the ionisation energy of elements

  18. Define 'electron affinity'.

  19. How does electron of affinity vary in a period? Explain the cause for variation.

  20. How does electron affinity vary in a group? Explain the cause for the variation

  21. Oxygen an fluorine have lower electron affinity, then sulphur and chlorine in their respective groups. Explain why?

  22. Explain Pauling method of determining electronegativity of element.

  23. Explain the term valence or oxidation state. How does it vary in a period and in group?

  24. What do you understand by the term 'variable oxidation state? Which elements in a group or period exhibit variable oxidation state?

  25. Explain why noble gases are inert?


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