slip test 1

10th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Time : 00:02:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 100
    15 x 1 = 15
  1. The rich man was from ________.







  2. Everything falls to the ground ________ earth's gravitational pull.


    in addition to


    because of


    cause of

  3. The trial was conducted _________ the procedure of law.


    in accordance with


    due to


    despite of

  4. There is a temple right ________ my house.


    in back of


    apart from


    in front of

  5. As a _________ of his hard work, he achieved the target


    instead of


    result of


    apart from

  6. Failure is often the _______ negligence.


    effect of


    consequence of


    reason of

  7. Children are given toys _________ sweets on Children's day.


    on top of


    in addition to


    due to

  8. The parents must be informed _________ any indiscipline conduct of their wards.


    because of


    in case of


    in spite of

  9. He didn't turn up ________ his busy schedule.


    consequence of


    due to


    except for

  10. Global warming is ________ the green house emission.


    an effect of


    in spite of


    in addition to

  11. What is the singular form of the word days?







  12. What is the singular form of the word data







  13. What is the singular form of the word taxis?







  14. What is the singular form of the word ladies?







  15. What is the singular form of the word oxen?







  16. 10 x 2 = 20
  17. Write a recipe of your favourite dish in passive voice. Remember to list out the ingredients of the dish you have chosen and their quantity. Use Simple Present tense to write your recipe.

  18. Write a report of an event held at your school using Passive voice. Use Simple Past Tense to narrate the event.

  19. Title summarises the story. paragraph is a part of the story. Look at the following expressions and find out the paragraph that best suit these expressions.
    Oh, No! But it happens!

  20. Title summarises the story. paragraph is a part of the story. Look at the following expressions and find out the paragraph that best suit these expressions.
    Don't let out your traveling dates

  21. Title summarises the story. paragraph is a part of the story. Look at the following expressions and find out the paragraph that best suit these expressions.
    Anyway, people will be people.

  22. How many members were there in the family?

  23. Where did the noise come from?

  24. Why did the narrator's brother Herman, slam the door?

  25. Why was Mrs. Bodwell talking about selling the house?

  26. How many policemen entered the house?

  27. 10 x 1 = 10
  28. How was the young seagull's first attempt to fly?

  29. How did the parents support and encourage the young seagull's brothers and sister?

  30. Give an instance that shows the pathetic condition of the young bird.

  31. How did the bird try to reach its parents without having to fly?

  32. Do you think that the young seagull's parents were harsh to him? Why?

  33. Why was the narrator sorry to have paid attention to the footsteps?

  34. Why did Herman and the author slam the doors?

  35. What woke up the mother?

  36. What do you understand by the mother's act of throwing the shoe?

  37. Why do you think Mrs. Bodwell wanted to sell the house?

  38. 5 x 1 = 5
  39. The young seagull was alone on his ledge. He had been afraid to fly with them. Somehow, when he had taken a little run forward to the brink of the ledge and attempted to flap his wings, he became afraid. The great expanse of sea stretched down beneath, and it was such a long way down - miles down.









  40. The young seagull was alone on his ledge. He had been afraid to fly with them. Somehow, when he had taken a little run forward to the brink of the ledge and attempted to flap his wings, he became afraid. The great expanse of sea stretched down beneath, and it was such a long way down - miles down.






    narrow shelf



  41. The young seagull was alone on his ledge. He had been afraid to fly with them. Somehow, when he had taken a little run forward to the brink of the ledge and attempted to flap his wings, he became afraid. The great expanse of sea stretched down beneath, and it was such a long way down - miles down.









  42. The young seagull was alone on his ledge. He had been afraid to fly with them. Somehow, when he had taken a little run forward to the brink of the ledge and attempted to flap his wings, he became afraid. The great expanse of sea stretched down beneath, and it was such a long way down - miles down.









  43. The young seagull was alone on his ledge. He had been afraid to fly with them. Somehow, when he had taken a little run forward to the brink of the ledge and attempted to flap his wings, he became afraid. The great expanse of sea stretched down beneath, and it was such a long way down - miles down.









  44. 4 x 2 = 8
  45. Describe the struggles underwent by the young seagull to overcome its fear of flying.

  46. Your parents sometimes behave like the young bird's parents. They may seem cruel and unrelenting. Does it mean that they do not care for you? Explain your views about it with reference from the story.

  47. Describe the funny incident that caused the confusion in the house.

  48. Narrate the extensive search operation made by the policemen in the house.

  49. 5 x 2 = 10
  50. With forward face and unreluctant soul;
    Not hurrying to, nor turning from the goal;
    (a) What literary device is used here?
    (b) Pick out the alliterated words in these lines.

  51. "So let the way wind up the hill or down"
    What is the figure of speech used here?

  52. "And before he dreams of the terrible jumble
    He s adopted into thefamily of Grumble"
    Pick out the rhyming words in these lines.

  53. "And if everything pleased them, there isn't a doubt
    They'd growl that they'd nothing to grumble about"
    Pick out the rhyming words in these lines.

  54. 2 x 2 = 4
  55. Describe the journey of life as depicted in the poem by Henry Van Dyke.

  56. What is the message of the poem "Life"?

  57. 5 x 1 = 5
  58. A Trip to Remember Forever
    Our trip to this wonderful city, Darjeeling started with a breath taking view. We parted the curtains of our hotel room and there it was, Kanchenjunga, the third highest mountain in the world! The entire range was in front of us in full view, snow-capped and dazzling in the sun. Our trip started early in the morning the next day. We woke up at 4 a.m. and reached Tiger hill at 5 a.m. to view the sunrise as the place has earned international fame for the best sunrise view. Tiger hill is situated at an altitude of 2590 meters and is 13 kilometers away from the city. Although Kanchenjunga was visible from the window of our hotel room, viewing it from tiger hill was a different experience altogether. It was not a very cloudy day so we were lucky enough to get a glimpse of the Mount Everest. After Tiger hill, we visited Senchal Lake which is another picnic spot nearby. We were told that the lake supplies drinking water to the city.
    The next spot on our list was Batasia Loop, a spiral railway near Ghum. The loop is situated 5 kilometers from the city and is a gigantic railway loop where the toy train runs and takes a 360 degree turn. It is a beautiful place with manicured garden, streams and waterfalls. While travelling on the toy train, one gets a breath-taking view of Darjeeling’s scenic beauty. We would suggest the toy train only for people with lot of patience as the train travels at a speed of 15 kilometers per hour and covers 14 kilometers in three hours which might be an utter disappointment for some. Altogether we had a memorable and enjoyable school trip with our friends and it will linger in our thoughts forever.
    The students visited ____________ city.

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  59. A Trip to Remember Forever
    Our trip to this wonderful city, Darjeeling started with a breath taking view. We parted the curtains of our hotel room and there it was, Kanchenjunga, the third highest mountain in the world! The entire range was in front of us in full view, snow-capped and dazzling in the sun. Our trip started early in the morning the next day. We woke up at 4 a.m. and reached Tiger hill at 5 a.m. to view the sunrise as the place has earned international fame for the best sunrise view. Tiger hill is situated at an altitude of 2590 meters and is 13 kilometers away from the city. Although Kanchenjunga was visible from the window of our hotel room, viewing it from tiger hill was a different experience altogether. It was not a very cloudy day so we were lucky enough to get a glimpse of the Mount Everest. After Tiger hill, we visited Senchal Lake which is another picnic spot nearby. We were told that the lake supplies drinking water to the city.
    The next spot on our list was Batasia Loop, a spiral railway near Ghum. The loop is situated 5 kilometers from the city and is a gigantic railway loop where the toy train runs and takes a 360 degree turn. It is a beautiful place with manicured garden, streams and waterfalls. While travelling on the toy train, one gets a breath-taking view of Darjeeling’s scenic beauty. We would suggest the toy train only for people with lot of patience as the train travels at a speed of 15 kilometers per hour and covers 14 kilometers in three hours which might be an utter disappointment for some. Altogether we had a memorable and enjoyable school trip with our friends and it will linger in our thoughts forever.
    ________is the third highest mountain in the world.

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  60. A Trip to Remember Forever
    Our trip to this wonderful city, Darjeeling started with a breath taking view. We parted the curtains of our hotel room and there it was, Kanchenjunga, the third highest mountain in the world! The entire range was in front of us in full view, snow-capped and dazzling in the sun. Our trip started early in the morning the next day. We woke up at 4 a.m. and reached Tiger hill at 5 a.m. to view the sunrise as the place has earned international fame for the best sunrise view. Tiger hill is situated at an altitude of 2590 meters and is 13 kilometers away from the city. Although Kanchenjunga was visible from the window of our hotel room, viewing it from tiger hill was a different experience altogether. It was not a very cloudy day so we were lucky enough to get a glimpse of the Mount Everest. After Tiger hill, we visited Senchal Lake which is another picnic spot nearby. We were told that the lake supplies drinking water to the city.
    The next spot on our list was Batasia Loop, a spiral railway near Ghum. The loop is situated 5 kilometers from the city and is a gigantic railway loop where the toy train runs and takes a 360 degree turn. It is a beautiful place with manicured garden, streams and waterfalls. While travelling on the toy train, one gets a breath-taking view of Darjeeling’s scenic beauty. We would suggest the toy train only for people with lot of patience as the train travels at a speed of 15 kilometers per hour and covers 14 kilometers in three hours which might be an utter disappointment for some. Altogether we had a memorable and enjoyable school trip with our friends and it will linger in our thoughts forever.
    _________ hill is 13 km away from Darjeeling.

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    Severity: Warning

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  61. A Trip to Remember Forever
    Our trip to this wonderful city, Darjeeling started with a breath taking view. We parted the curtains of our hotel room and there it was, Kanchenjunga, the third highest mountain in the world! The entire range was in front of us in full view, snow-capped and dazzling in the sun. Our trip started early in the morning the next day. We woke up at 4 a.m. and reached Tiger hill at 5 a.m. to view the sunrise as the place has earned international fame for the best sunrise view. Tiger hill is situated at an altitude of 2590 meters and is 13 kilometers away from the city. Although Kanchenjunga was visible from the window of our hotel room, viewing it from tiger hill was a different experience altogether. It was not a very cloudy day so we were lucky enough to get a glimpse of the Mount Everest. After Tiger hill, we visited Senchal Lake which is another picnic spot nearby. We were told that the lake supplies drinking water to the city.
    The next spot on our list was Batasia Loop, a spiral railway near Ghum. The loop is situated 5 kilometers from the city and is a gigantic railway loop where the toy train runs and takes a 360 degree turn. It is a beautiful place with manicured garden, streams and waterfalls. While travelling on the toy train, one gets a breath-taking view of Darjeeling’s scenic beauty. We would suggest the toy train only for people with lot of patience as the train travels at a speed of 15 kilometers per hour and covers 14 kilometers in three hours which might be an utter disappointment for some. Altogether we had a memorable and enjoyable school trip with our friends and it will linger in our thoughts forever.
    The drinking water is supplied by ________ lake to the city.

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  62. A Trip to Remember Forever
    Our trip to this wonderful city, Darjeeling started with a breath taking view. We parted the curtains of our hotel room and there it was, Kanchenjunga, the third highest mountain in the world! The entire range was in front of us in full view, snow-capped and dazzling in the sun. Our trip started early in the morning the next day. We woke up at 4 a.m. and reached Tiger hill at 5 a.m. to view the sunrise as the place has earned international fame for the best sunrise view. Tiger hill is situated at an altitude of 2590 meters and is 13 kilometers away from the city. Although Kanchenjunga was visible from the window of our hotel room, viewing it from tiger hill was a different experience altogether. It was not a very cloudy day so we were lucky enough to get a glimpse of the Mount Everest. After Tiger hill, we visited Senchal Lake which is another picnic spot nearby. We were told that the lake supplies drinking water to the city.
    The next spot on our list was Batasia Loop, a spiral railway near Ghum. The loop is situated 5 kilometers from the city and is a gigantic railway loop where the toy train runs and takes a 360 degree turn. It is a beautiful place with manicured garden, streams and waterfalls. While travelling on the toy train, one gets a breath-taking view of Darjeeling’s scenic beauty. We would suggest the toy train only for people with lot of patience as the train travels at a speed of 15 kilometers per hour and covers 14 kilometers in three hours which might be an utter disappointment for some. Altogether we had a memorable and enjoyable school trip with our friends and it will linger in our thoughts forever.
    After Senchallake, they visited __________

    A PHP Error was encountered

    Severity: Warning

    Message: A non-numeric value encountered

    Filename: material/details.php

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    Batasia Loop


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