T2 - Information Processing English Medium Free Online Test 1 Mark Questions with Answer Key 2020 - 2021

8th Standard

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Time : 00:10:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 10

    Part A

    10 x 1 = 10
  1. If F(n) is a Fibonacci number and n = 8, which of the following is true?


    F(8) = F(9) + F(10)


    F(8) = F(7) + F(6)


    F(8) = F(10) x F(9)


    F(8) = F(7) – F(6)

  2. Every 3rd number of the Fibonacci sequence is a multiple of _______









  3. The difference between the 18th and 17th Fibonacci number is









  4. Common prime factors of 36, 60 and 72 are


    2 x 2


    2 x 3


    3 x 3


    3 x 2 x 2

  5. Two numbers are said to be co-prime numbers if their HCF is









  6. There are four groups of letters in each set. Three of these sets are a like in some way while one is different. Find the one which is different.


    C R D T


    A P B Q


    E U F V


    G W H X

  7. A group of letters are given. A numerical code has been given to each letter. These letters have to be unscrambled into a meaningful word. Find out the code for the word so formed from the 4 answers given.
    L I N C P E
    1 2 3 4 5 6


    2 3 4 1 5 6


    5 6 3 4 2 1


    6 1 3 5 2 4


    4 2 1 3 5 6

  8. Find the correct answer from the four alternatives given.
    In a certain code, ‘M E D I C I N E’ is coded as ‘E O J D J E F M’, then how is ‘C O M P U T E R’ written in the same code?


    C N P R V U F Q


    C M N Q T U D R


    R F U V Q N P C


    R N V F T U D Q

  9. Find the correct answer from the four alternatives given
    If the word ‘P H O N E’ is coded as ‘S K R Q H’, how will ‘R A D I O’ be coded?


    S C G N H


    V R G N G


    U D G L R


    S D H K Q

  10. Praveen recently got the registration number for his new two-wheeler. Here, the number is given in the form of mirror-image. Encode the image and find the correct registration number of praveen’s two-wheeler.






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