New ! Computer Science MCQ Practise Tests

Composition and Decomposition - Important Question Paper

11th Standard

    Reg.No. :

Computer Science

Time : 01:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 50

    Part A

    Multiple Choice Question

    10 x 1 = 10
  1. Which of the following is the most widely used notation to represent algorithms?




    Pseudo code


    English language


    all of these

  2. Which notation shows the algorithm in a visual manner?




    Pseudo code


    Programming language


    Natural language

  3. In the flowchart, the control flow of the algorithm represented by ________.




    diamond shaped boxes




    parallelogram boxes

  4. How many outgoing arrows are labeled in flowchart diamond shaped box?









  5. Suppose u, v = 10, 5 before the assignment. What are the values of u and v after the sequence of assignments?
    1 u :=v
    2 v := u


    u, v = 5,5


    u, v = 5,10


    u, v = 10,5


    u, v = 10,10

  6. Which of the following properties is true after the assignment (at line 3)?
    1 --i, j = 0, 0
    2 i, j := i+1, j-1
    3 -- ?


    i + j > 0


    i+j < 0




    i = j

  7. If C1 is false and C2 is true, the compound statement
    1 if CI
    2 SI
    3 else
    4 if C2
    5 S2
    6 else
    7 S3









  8. If C is false just before the loop, the control flows through
    1 SI
    2 while C
    3 S2
    4 S3


    S1 ; S3


    S 1 ; S2 ; S3


    S 1 ; S2 ; S2 ; S3


    S 1 ; S2 ; S2 ; S2 ; S3

  9. If C is true, S1 is executed in both the flowcharts, but S2 is executed in


    (1) only


    (2) only


    both (1) and (2)


    neither (1) nor (2)

  10. How many times the loop is iterated?
    i:= 0
    while i \(\neq \)5
    i := i+ 1









  11. Part B

    Answer all the Two Mark Questions

    6 x 2 = 12
  12. Both conditional statement and iterative statement have a condition and a statement. How do they differ?

  13. What is the difference between an algorithm and a program?

  14. What is a Pseudocode?

  15. What is a Flow-chart?

  16. What are the 3 important control flow statements?

  17. What is meant by Decomposition?

  18. Part C

    Answer all the Three Mark  Questions

    6 x 3 = 18
  19. Draw a flowchart for -3 case analysis using alternative statements.

  20. Define a function to double a number in two different ways:
    (1) n + n,
    (2) 2 x n.

  21. What are the notations used for expressing algorithms?

  22. Define Decomposition in defining algorithm.

  23. Write a note on Pseudo code.

  24. What are the disadvantage of using flowchart?

  25. Part D

    Answer all the Five Mark  Questions

    2 x 5 = 10
  26. Explain case analysis in detail with an example.

  27. Write the disadvantages of flowcharts.


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