New ! Computer Science MCQ Practise Tests

Plus One Public Exam March 2019 Model Question

11th Standard

    Reg.No. :

Computer Science

Time : 02:30:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 70
    15 x 1 = 15
  1. 4 bits =................









  2. How many memory locations are identified by a processor with 8 bits address bus at a time?









  3. Which of the following is not a Function of Operating System?


    Process Management


    Memory Management


    Security management


    Compiler Environment

  4. Match the following.

    (i) Tablet OS (1) Linux
    (ii) Desktop OS (2) Android
    (iii) Smart phone OS (3) ios
    (iv) OS used in super computer (4) Windows 7
    i) ii) iii) iv)
    1 4 3 2
    i) ii) iii) iv)
    1 2 4 3
    i) ii) iii) iv)
    4 3 1 2
    i) ii) iii) iv)
    3 4 2 1
  5. Which of the following activities is algorithmic in nature?


    Assemble a bicycle.


    Describe a bicycle.


    Label the parts of a bicycle.


    Explain how a bicycle works.

  6. If m x a + n x b is an invariant for the assignment a, b: = a + 8, b + 7, the values of m and n are


    m = 8, n = 7


    m = 7, n = -8


    m = 7, n = 8


    m = 8, n = -7

  7. The symbol used to denote preprocessor directive statement is ________.









  8. Identify the odd one from the keywords of jump statements:









  9. Which of the following statement is (are) false?
    (i) complicated programs cannot be divided
    (ii) It is easier the test, debug the functions
    (iii) Programmers can not work on different-functions simultaneously


    only (ii)


    only (iii)


    both (ii) and (iii)


    both (i) and (iii)

  10. The data elements in the structure are also known as _________.









  11. Which of the following supports the transitive nature of data?









  12. Which of the following statement is true or false?
    (i) constructor invoked when class come into the scope
    (ii) constructor associate with datatype
    (iii) constructor defined only inside the class definition
    (iv) constructor can also have the different name from class name


    i-true, ii-false, iii-false, iv-false


    i-false, ii-false, iii-false, iv-true


    i-true, ii-true, iii-false, iv-false


    i-true, ii-false, iii-false, iv-true

  13. In which of the following functions in the same scope that share the same name but their parameters are different?


    function overloading


    operator overloading


    data overloading


    Data hiding

  14. Which amongst the following is executed in the order of inheritance?




    Member function





  15. The ASCII encoding system is applicable only for handling the language_________.








    All of these

  16. 6 x 2 = 12
  17. What is the function of an ALU?

  18. Expand CD, DVD, CD-ROM.

  19. What is multi-user Operating system?

  20. How do we refine a statement?

  21. Define factorial of a natural number recursively

  22. Assume n=10; what will be result of n++ and --n;?

  23. What is the function of getchar () and putchar() function?

  24. Differentiate structure and class though both are user defined data type.

  25. Write a note on Asymmetric encryption?

  26. 6 x 3 = 18
  27. Write the truth table of fundamental gates

  28. What does security management refers?

  29. What is the format of the specification of an algorithm?

  30. Describe alternative statement.

  31. Write a C++ program to print multiplication table of a given number.

  32. What is called anonymous structure. Give an example

  33. Write a note on the features of procedural programming.

  34. What are the rules for function overloading?

  35. Why do you need for inheritance?

  36. 5 x 5 = 25
  37. Explain Impact Printers with an Example.

  38. Explain the types of ROM.

  39. Explain the procedure of shutting down or logging of computer.

  40. Trace the step-by-step execution of the algorithm for factorial(4).
    --inputs: n is an integer, n > 0
    -- outputs: f = n!
    f, i := 1 ,1
    while i < nf
    , i := f × i, i+1

  41. Write a program to find sum of the series
    S = 1 + x + x2 +..... + xn

  42. What are the different forms of function return? Explain with example.

  43. Write the output of the following c++ program
    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    using namespace std;
    struct student
    char name[10];
    long phone_number;
    int main(){
    student p1 = {1,"Brown",123443},p2;
    p2.roll_no = 2;
    strcpy( ,"Sam");
    p2.phone_number = 1234567822;
    cout<< "First Student" <<endl;
    cout<< "roll no : " << p1.roll_no <<endl<< "name : " << <<endl;
    cout<< "phone no : " << p1.phone_number <<endl;
    cout<< "Second Student" <<endl;
    cout<< "roll no : " << p2.roll_no <<endl<< "name : " << <<endl;
    cout<< "phone no : " << p2.phone_number <<endl;
    return 0;

  44. Explain the scope resolution operator with an example.

  45. What are the rules for operator overloading?

  46. A railway reservation counter needs to computerise its reservation process. Using the following information write a C ++ program to do so:
    class Train {
    int number; //Train number
    int seats _1; //Total seats in 1st class
    int seats _2 ; //Total seats in 2nd class
    int seats _3; //Total seats in 3rd class
    Train (int i, int j, int k, int l)
    number = i; seats_1 =j ;
    seats-2 =' k;,seats-3 = 1,.
    int getnum(void)
    { return number; }
    int getseats_1(void)
    { return seats_1 ; }
    int getseats_2(void)
    { return seats _2 ;}
    int getseats - 3 (void)
    {return seats - 3:}
    class Reservation : public Train
    { int bkd_1 ; //Seats reserved in 1st class
    int bkd_2 ; ///Seats reserved in 2nd class
    int bkd_3 ; ///Seats reserved in 3rd class
    int i, j, k, 1;
    Reservation (int i, int j, int k, int 1) : Train (i ,j, k,l)
    {bkd_1 = bkd_2 = bkd_3 = 0 ; }
    void book(char type, int num);
    void cancel (char type, int num) ;
    void disp_status (void);
    void Reservation: : book (char type, int num)
    { switch(type)
    case '1': bkd_1+=num; //addnum to bkd_1
    case '2': bkd_2+=num; //addnum to bkd_2
    break ;
    case '3': bkd_3+=num; Iladdnum to bkd_3
    default: cout <<"Wrong class\n";
    void Reservation: : cancel (char type. int num)
    { switch(type)
    case '1': bkd_1-=num;
    case '2': bkd_2-=num;
    break ;
    case '3' : bkd_3-=num;
    break ;
    default: cout <<"Wrong class\n" ;
    void Reservation : : disp_stauts (void)
    cout <<"\t\t Train Numbe r: "< cout <<"Class\t Total seats\t Reserved \t
    Unreserved\n" ;
    int val;
    val = getseats_1 () ;
    cout<< "I\t "< xval << "\t "<< bkd_1<< "
    \t "<< val-bkd_1 << "\n";​​​​​​​
    val = getseats_2 () ;
    cout << "2\t "<< val << "\t "< xbkd 2 << "​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
    \t "<< val-bkd_2 << "\n";​​​​​​​
    val = getseats_3 ( ) ;​​​​​​​
    cout << "3\t "<< val << "\t "<< bkd 3 << "​​​​​​​
    \t "<< val-bkd_3 << "\n";​​​​​​​


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