New ! Economics MCQ Practise Tests

+1 Public Official Model Question 2019

11th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Time : 02:30:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 90
    20 x 1 = 20
  1. The equilibrium price is the price at which


    Everything is sold


    Buyers spend their money


    Quantity demanded equals quantity supplied


    Exess demand is zero

  2. Utility is a


    Scientific concept


    Ethical concept


    Moral concept


    Subjective and Psychological concept

  3. Gossen's first law is known as


    Law of Equi-Marginal Utility


    Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility


    Law of Demand


    Law of Diminishing returns

  4. _____ does Px denotes.


    Demand of a commodity


    Quantity of the demand


    Price of a commodity


    All the above

  5. Which factor is called the changing agent of the Society









  6. The man behind organizing the business called as ______________






    Both (a) and (b)


    None of these

  7. Long-run average cost curve is also called as _____ curve.









  8. Price discrimination will always lead to _________


    Increase in output


    Increase in profit


    Different prices


    b and c

  9. Different prices are changed for different individuals in ______ price discrimination.






    On the basis of use


    All of these

  10. Loanable Funds Theory of Interest is called as


    Classical Theory


    Modern Theory


    Traditional Theory


    Neo-Classical Theory

  11. Gross Profit - Implicit Cost.


    Net Profit


    Gross Profit


    Normal Profit


    Super Normal Profit

  12. Who introduced the National Development Council in India?




    Jawaharlal Nehru




    V.K.R. V. Rao

  13. The objective of the Industrial policy 1956 was ________.


    Develop heavy Industries


    Develop agricultural sector only


    Develop private sector only


    Develop cottage industries only

  14. The East Indian Company had captured political power to secure maximum goods for __________


    Maximum payment


    Minimum payment


    Normal payment


    None of these

  15. The recommendation of Narashimham Committee Report was submitted in the year ________









  16. In the pre-Iiberalisation period__________.


    full support was given to private sector in all industries


    industries were reserved exclusively for public sector


    Both (a) and (b)


    Neither (a) nor (b)

  17. In which year, Regional Rural Banks came into existence?









  18. In health index, Tamil Nadu is ahead of








    All the above

  19. Thoothukudi is known as ________.


    Gateway of Tamil Nadu


    Gateway of India


    Gateway of Kerala


    Gateway of Andhra Pradesh

  20. If x+y = 5 and x-y = 3 then, value of x









  21. 7 x 2 = 14
  22. Give the meaning of deductive method.

  23. Define - "Capital".

  24. Define cost.

  25. What is duopoly?

  26. What are Renewable Resources?

  27. Name the different types of land tenure existed in India before Independence.

  28. What is Industrial delicensing?

  29. What do you mean by Micro Finance?

  30. Thoothukudi is known as "Gateway of Tamil Nadu" - Why?

  31. If y = 4, then find \(\frac { dy }{ dx } \)

  32. 7 x 3 = 21
  33. What are the crucial decisions involved in 'what to produce'?

  34. Describe the features of human wants.

  35. What are the functions of Entrepreneur?

  36. Write a short note on Marginal Revenue.

  37. Briefly explain the monopolistic competition.

  38. Describe briefly the Innovation Theory of Profit.

  39. Write short note on health care services in India?

  40. State the reasons for nationalisation of commercial banks.

  41. Discuss the arguments against LPG.

  42. Differentiate the function \(Y={ 5x }^{ 4 }+{ 3x }^{ 3 }\) with respect to x.

  43. 7 x 5 = 35
  44. Explain various Steps of Deductive and Inductive methods.

  45. Explain the different types of utility.

  46. Explain the law of Equi - marginal utility

  47. Explain the types of elasticity supply with the help of diagram.

  48. If the total cost = 100 + Q3, find out AVC, AC, TFC, AFC and TVC when Q = 10.

  49. Illustrate price and output determination under Monopoly.

  50. Explain the Agio theory of Interest.

  51. What are the weaknesses of Indian Economy?

  52. Explain the role of SSIs in economic development ?

  53. Elucidate the monetary and financial sector reforms.

  54. "The features of Rural Economy are peculiar"- Argue.

  55. Describe the various types of industries in Tamil Nadu. The Government is promoting industrial parks like Rubber Park, Apparel Park, Floriculture Park, TICEL Park for Biotechnology, Siruseri IT Park and Agro Zones. Tamil Nadu has a network of about 110 industrial parks/estates that offer developed plots with supporting infrastructure.

  56. A manufacturer estimates that, when units of a commodity are produced each month the total costs will be TC(Q) = 128 + 60Q + 8Q2. Find the marginal cost, average cost, fixed cost, variable cost, average fixed cost and average variable cost.

  57. A producer has the total cost function TC(Q) = \(2Q^{ 3 }+{ 8Q }^{ 2 }+12Q+20\) where costs are given in rupees. Find the marginal cost (MC) and the average variable cost (AVC), when Q = 4.


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