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Computer Science Question Papers

11th Standard Computer Science Working with Typical Operating System English Medium Free Online Test One Mark Questions 2020 - 2021 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    From the options given below, choose the operations managed by the operating system.

  • 2)

    Under which of the following OS, the option Shift + Delete - permanently deletes a file or folder?

  • 3)

    Identify the default email client in Ubuntu?

  • 4)

    Which is the default browser for Ubuntu?

  • 5)

    Which OS used on webservers and super computers?

11th Standard Computer Science Working with Typical Operating System English Medium Free Online Test 1 Mark Questions with Answer Key 2020 - 2021 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Which is the default folder for many Windows Applications to save your file?

  • 2)

    What is the meaning of "Hibernate" in Windows XP/Windows 7?

  • 3)

    Which of the following in Ubuntu OS is used to view the options for the devices installed?

  • 4)

    Where will you select the option to log out, suspend, restart, or shut down from the desktop of Ubuntu OS?

  • 5)

    Which of the following is not an access applications?

11th Standard Computer Science Specification and Abstraction English Medium Free Online Test One Mark Questions 2020 - 2021 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Which of the following activities is algorithmic in nature?

  • 2)

    Ensuring the input-output relation is

  • 3)

    If 0 < i before the assignment i := i-1 after the assignment, we can conclude that

  • 4)

    Which of the following is(are) an example(s) of process?

  • 5)

    Which is intended to solve a problem?

11th Standard Computer Science Specification and Abstraction English Medium Free Online Test One Mark Questions with Answer Key 2020 - 2021 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Which of the following activities is not algorithmic in nature?

  • 2)

    If i = 5 before the assignment i := i-1 after the assignment, the value of i is

  • 3)

    Which of the following statement is not true?
    (i) An algorithm is used to solve a problem
    (ii) An instruction not describes an action
    (iii) An algorithm is not a sequence of instructions
    (iv) A process evolves when the instructions are executed

  • 4)

    Which must be expressed using statements of a programming language?

  • 5)

    In computers, operations on data performed by ________.

11th Standard Computer Science Introduction To C++ English Medium Free Online Test One Mark Questions 2020 - 2021 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Who developed C++?

  • 2)

    Which of the following operator is extraction operator of C++?

  • 3)

    Which of the following is a valid string literal?

  • 4)

    How many categories of data types are available in C++?

  • 5)

    What will be the result of following statement?
    char ch= 'B';
    cout << (int) ch;

11th Standard Computer Science Introduction To C++ English Medium Free Online Test One Mark Questions with Answer Key 2020 - 2021 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    What was the original name given to C++?

  • 2)

    Which of the following statement is not true?

  • 3)

    A program written in high level language is called as

  • 4)

    Which of the following is called as compile time operators?

  • 5)

    Which of the following data types is not a fundamental type?

11th Standard Computer Science Flow of Control English Medium Free Online Test One Mark Questions 2020 - 2021 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    What is the alternate name of null statement?

  • 2)

    The set of statements that are executed again and again in iteration is called as:

  • 3)

    Which of the following is the exit control loop?

  • 4)

    Which of the following is called entry control loop?

  • 5)

    How many kinds of statement used in C++?

11th Standard Computer Science Functions English Medium Free Online Test One Mark Questions with Answer Key 2020 - 2021 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Which function is used to check whether a character is alphanumeric or not:

  • 2)

    Which of the following function is with a return value and without any argument?

  • 3)

    Which of the following is the scope operator?

  • 4)

    How many types of functions are there in C++?

  • 5)

    Which functions reads a string from standard input and stores it into the string pointer by the variable?

11th Standard Computer Science English Medium Free Online Test 1 Mark Questions 2020 - Part Six - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Which one of the following is the main memory?

  • 2)

    The fifth generation computers belongs to _____

  • 3)

    Expand NLP _____

  • 4)

    How many buses available inside the CPU ?

  • 5)

    CCD stands for _______

11th Standard Computer Science Composition and Decomposition English Medium Free Online Test One Mark Questions 2020 - 2021 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Which of the following is one of the elementary problem-solving Techniques?

  • 2)

    Which of the following is not a notation for representing algorithm?

  • 3)

    Which of the following statement is false?
    (i) Algorithms are not composed of statements
    (ii) Algorithms expressed in Pseudo code are intended to be executed by computers.
    (iii) Flowchart not give a visual intuition of the flow of control
    (iv) Pseudo code is not a notation similar to the programming language.
    (v) All of these

  • 4)

    Which of the following is not a programming language?

  • 5)

    The translation will not happened by the error ________.

11th Standard Computer Science Composition and Decomposition English Medium Free Online Test One Mark Questions with Answer Key 2020 - 2021 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    How many notations are there for representing algorithms?

  • 2)

    The notation for representing algorithms __________

  • 3)

    Which of the following is a diagrammatic notation for representing algorithms?

  • 4)

    An algorithm expressed in the programming language is called _______.

  • 5)

    Which translates the program into executable instruction?

11th Standard Computer Science Iteration and recursion English Medium Free Online Test One Mark Questions 2020 - 2021 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    A loop invariant need not be true

  • 2)

    If Fibonacci number is defined recursively as
    \(F(n)= \begin{cases}0 \ \mathrm{n}=0 \\ 1 \ \mathrm{n}=1 \\ \mathrm{~F}(\mathrm{n}-1)+\mathrm{F}(\mathrm{n}-2) \text { otherwise }\end{cases}\)
    to evaluate F(4), how many times F() is applied?

  • 3)

    Which of the following algorithm design techniques to execute the same action repeatedly?

  • 4)

    Which of the following is updated when each time the loop body is executed?

  • 5)

    How many cases are there a recursive solver has_______.

11th Standard Computer Science Iteration and recursion English Medium Free Online Test One Mark Questions with Answer Key 2020 - 2021 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    We wish to cover a chessboard with dominoes,ロロ the number of black squares and the number of white squares covered by dominoes, respectively, placing a domino can be modeled by

  • 2)

    Which of the following is not an invariant of the assignment? m, n := m+2, n+3

  • 3)

    Using this recursive definition
    \(a^n= \begin{cases}1 & \text { if } n=0 \\ a \times a^{n-1} & \text { otherwise }\end{cases}\)
    how many multiplications are needed to calculate a10?

  • 4)

    The unchanged variables of the loop body is called loop _______.

  • 5)

    Which of the following is more powerful algorithms design technique closely related to iteration?

11th Standard Computer Science Flow of Control English Medium Free Online Test One Mark Questions with Answer Key 2020 - 2021 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    In C++, the group of statements should be enclosed within:

  • 2)

    Identify the odd one from the keywords of jump statements:

  • 3)

    A loop that contains another loop inside its body:

  • 4)

    The null or empty statement is a statement containing only a _________.

  • 5)

    Which of the following statement commonly used as placeholders in iteration statements?

11th Standard Computer Science Functions English Medium Free Online Test One Mark Questions 2020 - 2021 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Which of the following header file defines the standard I/O predefined functions?

  • 2)

    Which function begins the program execution?

  • 3)

    A program can be split into small sub-program are called _______.

  • 4)

    Which of the following function is known by default?
    (i) Built-in functions
    (ii) User-defined functions

  • 5)

    The definitions of the built-in functions can be grouped in the files called _______.

11th Standard Computer Science Arrays and Structures English Medium Free Online Test One Mark Questions 2020 - 2021 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Which of the following is the collection of variables of the same type that an referenced by a common name?

  • 2)

    int age[]={6,90,20,18,2}; How many elements are there in this array?

  • 3)

    By default, a string ends with which character?

  • 4)

    The data elements in the structure are also known as _________.

  • 5)

    Which of the following is a properly defined structure?

11th Standard Computer Science Arrays and Structures English Medium Free Online Test One Mark Questions with Answer Key 2020 - 2021 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Array subscripts is always starts with which number?

  • 2)

    What will be the output of this program?
    #include< iostream >
    using namespace std;
    struct ShoeType
    string name;
    double price; .
    int main ()
    Shoe Type shoe 1, shoe2;
    shoe = "Adidas";
    shoe 1.price = 9.99;
    cout < shoe2 = shoe 1;
    shoe2.price = shoe2.price / 9;
    cout << << "#"< return 0;

  • 3)

    How many types of 2D array memory representations?

  • 4)

    Which of the following increases the time consumption while searching?

  • 5)

    Which of the following is used to access the members of the class?

11th Standard Computer Science Introduction to Object Oriented Programming Techniques English Medium Free Online Test One Mark Questions 2020 - 2021 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    The term is used to describe a programming approach based on classes and objects is

  • 2)

    Which of the following is a user defined data type?

  • 3)

    Which of the following concept encapsulate all the essential properties of the object that are to be created?

  • 4)

    "Write once and use it multiple time" can be achieved by

  • 5)

    In which year the term object appeared in relation to programming languages?

11th Standard Computer Science Introduction to Object Oriented Programming Techniques English Medium Free Online Test 1 Mark Questions with Answer Key - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    The paradigm which aims more at procedures.

  • 2)

    Insulation of the data from direct access by the program is called as

  • 3)

    Which of the following is the most important advantage of inheritance?

  • 4)

    Which of the following supports the transitive nature of data?

  • 5)

    Which of the following consists of both data and behaviour?

11th Standard Computer Science Classes and objects English Medium Free Online Test One Mark Questions 2020 - 2021 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    The variables declared inside the class are known as

  • 2)

    A member function can call another member function directly, without using the dot operator called as

  • 3)

    Which of the following access specifier protects data from inadvertent modifications?

  • 4)

    State whether the following statements about the constructor are True or False.
    (i) constructors should be declared in the private section
    (ii) constructors are invoked automatically when the objects are created.

  • 5)

    What happens when a class with parameterized constructors and having no default constructor is used in a program and we create an object that needs a zero-argument constructor?

11th Standard Computer Science Classes and objects English Medium Free Online Test One Mark Questions with Answer Key 2020 - 2021 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Which of the following statements about member functions are True or False?
    (i) A member function can call another member function directly with using the dot operator.
    (ii) Member function can access the private data of the class.

  • 2)

    Which of the following constructor is executed for the following prototype?
    add display (add &): - // add is a class name

  • 3)

    Who developed C++?

  • 4)

    Which of the following is not a feature of OOP language?

  • 5)

    Which of the following is needed to represent real world entities?

11th Standard Computer Science Polymorphism English Medium Free Online Test One Mark Questions 2020 - 2021 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Which of the following refers to a function having more than one distinct meaning?

  • 2)

    Which of the following is invalid prototype for function overloading

  • 3)

    Which of the following operator is by default overloaded by the compiler?

  • 4)

    The word polymorphism means ______.

  • 5)

    In C++, Polymorphism is achieved through ________.

11th Standard Computer Science Polymorphism English Medium Free Online Test One Mark Questions with Answer Key 2020 - 2021 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Which of the following reduces the number of comparisons in a program?

  • 2)

    Which of the following function(s) combination
    cannot be considered as
    overloaded function(s) in the given snippet?
    void print(char A, int B); //Fl
    void printprint(int A; float B); //F2
    void Print(int P=10);//F3
    void prtntt); //F4

  • 3)

    Which of the following is the ability of a message to be displayed in more than one form?

  • 4)

    How many type OS overloading are there in C++?

  • 5)

    Which of the following statement is true or false?
    (i) Polymorphism means many shapes
    (ii) Polymorphism is acheived through overloading
    (iii) Overloading means a name having only one distinct meaning
    (iv) Overload resolution means not selecting appropriate overloaded function

11th Standard Computer Science Inheritance English Medium Free Online Test One Mark Questions 2020 - 2021 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Which of the following is the process of creating new classes from an existing class

  • 2)

    class vehicle
    { int wheels;
    void input_data(float,float);
    void output_data();
    int passenger;
    class heavy_vehicle : protected vehicle {
    int diesel_petrol;
    int load;
    void read_data(float,float)
    void write_data(); };
    class bus: private heavy_vehicle {
    char Ticket[20];
    void fetch_data(char);
    void display_data(); };
    Which is the base class of the class heavy_vehicle?

  • 3)

    Which of the following feature of oops acquires the properties of the existing class?

  • 4)

    A class that inherits from a super class is called________.

  • 5)

    Which of the following class is a power packed class?

11th Standard Computer Science Inheritance English Medium Free Online Test One Mark Questions with Answer Key 2020 - 2021 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Which of the following derives a class student from the base class school

  • 2)

    Which visibility mode should be used when you want the features of the base class to be available to the derived Class but not to the classes that are derived from the derived class?

  • 3)

    Which of the following statement is true or false?
    (i) A class that is used as the base for inheritage is called parent class.
    (ii) A class used to derived a new class called derived class.
    (iii) The derived is a power packed class.
    (iv) Inheritage allows to inherit all the members of one class to another class.

  • 4)

    How many types of inheritanse are there?

  • 5)

    When a class derived from a class which it self is a derived class is called ________.

11th Standard Computer Science Tamil Computing English Medium Free Online Test One Mark Questions with Answer Key 2020 - 2021 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Which of the following is the best informatikon  technological device?

  • 2)

    Which of the following provide searching facilities in Tamil?

  • 3)

    Which of the following search engine gives Tamil virtual keyboard?

  • 4)

    Which country provides all their services through the official website in Tamil?

  • 5)

    Which of the following language used to design "Ezhil"? Tamil programming language?

11th Standard Computer Science English Medium Free Online Test 1 Mark Questions 2020 - Part Two - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Which one of the following is the main memory?

  • 2)

    The memory unit is of _____ kinds.

  • 3)

    The conversion of data to information is called _________.

  • 4)

    EBCDIC primarily used in......... computers.

  • 5)

    Expansion of RISC is ______

11th Standard Computer Science English Medium Free Online Test 1 Mark Questions 2020 - Part Four - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    _____ output device is used for printing building plan.

  • 2)

    Which of the following is not a form of parallel computing?

  • 3)

    The left most bit on the binary digit carries the largest weight is called......

  • 4)

    Find the universal gates from the following.

  • 5)

    The color of double-layered DVD is..............

11th Standard Computer Science English Medium Free Online Test 1 Mark Questions 2020 - Part Five - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Identify the output device

  • 2)

    Which of the following issue an error message if any computer hardware not defected?

  • 3)

    Interactive Operating System provides

  • 4)

    Which is the default browser for Ubuntu?

  • 5)

    Ensuring the input-output relation is

11th Standard Computer Science English Medium Free Online Test 1 Mark Questions 2020 - Part Seven - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Identify the input device

  • 2)

    In which generation, the Voice Recognition software developed?

  • 3)

    Which of the following are the computer systems inspired by the biological neural networks?

  • 4)

    Biometric technique followed by ________

  • 5)

    NOR is a combination of ?

11th Standard Computer Science English Medium Free Online Test 1 Mark Questions 2020 - Part Eight - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Name the volatile memory

  • 2)

    I capture images/videos directly in the digital form.

  • 3)

    The components of CPU _________

  • 4)

    2\(\wedge \)50 is referred as

  • 5)

    Which one of the following has the stacked arrangement of disks?

11th Standard Computer Science Computer Ethics and Cyber Security English Medium Free Online Test One Mark Questions 2020 - 2021 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Which of the following deals with procedures, practices and values?

  • 2)

    Which one of the following are self-repeating and do not require a computer program to attach themselves?

  • 3)

    Distributing unwanted e-mail to other is called

  • 4)

    Which of the following is not a cyber - crime?

  • 5)

    Which of the following statement is false?
    (i) Users should not be truthful while using Internet
    (ii) Each should respect the privacy of other users.
    (iii) Users should strictly obey the cyber lay in computer usage
    (iv) Users should share any information with unauthorized people.

11th Standard Computer Science Computer Ethics and Cyber Security English Medium Free Online Test One Mark Questions with Answer Key 2020 - 2021 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Commercial programs made available to the public illegally are known as

  • 2)

    E-commerce means

  • 3)

    Legal recognition for transactions are carried out by

  • 4)

    Which of the following is a crime which involves computer and network?

  • 5)

    How many types of cyber-crimes that happen across the world?

11th Standard Computer Science Tamil Computing English Medium Free Online Test One Mark Questions 2020 - 2021 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Which of the following plays a vital role in ever man's life?  

  • 2)

    How many percentage of people using Internet is Tamil? 

  • 3)

    How many percentage of Internet users consider local language digital content to be more reliable than english?

  • 4)

    Which of the following are used to search any information from the cyberspace?

  • 5)

    Which of the following is not provide searching facilities in Tamil?

11th Standard Computer Science English Medium Free Online Test 1 Mark Questions 2020 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Expand POST

  • 2)

    NLP is a component of ________

  • 3)

    CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, DVD-ROM are examples of which of the following memory.

  • 4)

    The device that reads the information directly into the computer's memory and works like a Xerox machine is _______

  • 5)

    Printer are of _______ types.

11th Standard Computer Science English Medium Free Online Test One Mark Questions with Answer Key 2020 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Expansion of CPS is _____

  • 2)

    Which of the following is a type of computation in which many calculations are carried out simultaneously?

  • 3)

    Which device is used to input by pressing one or more switches?

  • 4)

    Which of the following stores the instructions and data?

  • 5)

    __________scheme is denoted by hexadecimal numbers.

11th Standard Computer Science English Medium Free Online Test One Mark Questions with Answer Key 2020 - Part Two - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    For 11012 the equalent Hexadecimal equivalent is?

  • 2)

    Which key brings the focus on the first menu of the menu bar?

  • 3)

    ______________icon is equivalent to My Computer icon. From here, you can directly go to Desktop, Documents and so on.

  • 4)

    Which option is used as a part of installing new software or windows update?

  • 5)

    How many basic building blocks construct an algorithm?

11th Standard Computer Science English Medium Free Online Test 1 Mark Questions 2020 - Part Three - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    How many classifications of memories in memory unit?

  • 2)

    Which of the following device used to draw lines on a computer device?

  • 3)

    Hardware is the__________ component of a computer.

  • 4)

    The capacity of Blue ray disc is more than five times of _____.

  • 5)

    What is the colour of double layered sides DVD?

11th Standard Computer Science English Medium Free Online Test One Mark Questions with Answer Key 2020 - Part Three - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Which one of the following is the main memory?

  • 2)

    Expansion for BCD_________

  • 3)

    Find the wrong pair from the following.

  • 4)

    Which of the following is not an example of CISC processor?

  • 5)

    The color of Single-layered DVD is.......

11th Standard Computer Science English Medium Free Online Test One Mark Questions with Answer Key 2020 - Part Four - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Expand POST

  • 2)

    Which printer work by spraying irised ink at a sheet of paper?

  • 3)

    Which is the first fully functional electronic computer?

  • 4)

    Which gate is called as the logical inverter?

  • 5)

    The output for the AND operator is ______

11th Standard Computer Science English Medium Free Online Test One Mark Questions with Answer Key 2020 - Part Five - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Which one of the following is the main memory?

  • 2)

    The memory unit is of _____ kinds.

  • 3)

    In which bus the data can travel in single direction?

  • 4)

    The oinput device used to display computer output on big screen is ________

  • 5)

    2\(\wedge \)50 is referred as

11th Standard Computer Science English Medium Free Online Test One Mark Questions with Answer Key 2020 - Part Six - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Expand POST

  • 2)

    In which generation, the Voice Recognition software developed?

  • 3)

    I detect alphanumeric characters printed or written on a paper. Who am I?

  • 4)

    The printing speed of the dox matrix printer measured in the form of _____

  • 5)

    Which controls the entire operation of a computer?

11th Standard Computer Science English Medium Free Online Test One Mark Questions with Answer Key 2020 - Part Seven - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Natural language processing is a component of_______.

  • 2)

    Which complement performs the logical negation on each individual bit?

  • 3)

    ___________is the second most popular mobile operating system globally after Android.

  • 4)

    Which of the following OS is not based on Linux?

  • 5)

    Which is the default application for spreadsheets in Ubuntu? This is available in the software launcher?

11th Standard Computer Science English Medium Free Online Test One Mark Questions with Answer Key 2020 - Part Eight - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    When a system restarts which type of booting is used.

  • 2)

    Which device is similar to the upside-down design of the mouse?

  • 3)

    Which unit enables a computer to store the data and programs temporarily?

  • 4)

    Which of the following is not a common coding schemes to represent a character?

  • 5)

    How many truth values are there?

11th Standard Computer Science English Medium Free Online Test 1 Mark Questions 2020 - Part Nine - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Identify the input device

  • 2)

    Physical components of a computer are called ____

  • 3)

    Honeywell 6000 series belongs to ________ generation.

  • 4)

    2\(\wedge \)50 is referred as

  • 5)

    NAND is called as ......Gate

11th Standard Computer Science English Medium Free Online Test One Mark Questions with Answer Key 2020 - Part Nine - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Modifiers are also called as ________.

  • 2)

    Which of the following used to enclose a group of statements?

  • 3)

    The sequential statement always end with ________.

  • 4)

    In C++, which of the following is treated as true? 

  • 5)

    Which of the following statement is not true?
    (i) If nested inside if part.
    (ii) If nested inside else part
    (iii) for nested inside if part
    (iv) if nested inside both if part and else part

11th Standard Computer Science English Medium Free Online Test 1 Mark Questions 2020 - Part Ten - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Which one of the following is used to in ATM machines

  • 2)

    Which of the following statement is not true about fifth generation computers?
    (i) Superconductors are not used
    (ii) Computers are very small in size
    (iii) Not able to solve high complex problems
    (iv) Not usage of High-level language
    (v) Introduction of AI

  • 3)

    Microprocessor is the component of____________ generation.

  • 4)

    Which component is used in second generation computers?

  • 5)

    In a computer, a data is converted into _______.

11th Standard Computer Science English Medium Free Online Test One Mark Questions with Answer Key 2020 - Part Ten - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Identify the output device

  • 2)

    Which unit enables a computer to store the data and programs temporarily?

  • 3)

    How many types of Keyboards used to input the data?

  • 4)

    Which device produce graphical output on papers?

  • 5)

    In which bus the data can travel in single direction?

11th Standard Computer Science Number Systems English Medium Free Online Test One Mark Questions 2020 - 2021 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    How many bytes does 1 KiloByte contain?

  • 2)

    For 11012 the equalent Hexadecimal equivalent is?

  • 3)

    Which amongst this is not an Octal number?

  • 4)

    Data means..............

  • 5)

    How the message represented in computers?

11th Standard Computer Science Number Systems English Medium Free Online Test 1 Mark Questions with Answer Key 2020 - 2021 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Which refers to the number of bits processed by a computer's CPU?

  • 2)

    Expansion for ASCII

  • 3)

    What is the 1's complement of 00100110?

  • 4)

    Which is a basic electronic circuit which operates on one or more signals?

  • 5)

    A + A = ?

11th Standard Computer Science English Medium Free Online Test Book Back One Mark Questions - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    First generation computers used

  • 2)

    Which refers to the number of bits processed by a computer's CPU?

  • 3)

    Which of the following is said to be the brain of a computer?

  • 4)

    Operating system is a

  • 5)

    From the options given below, choose the operations managed by the operating system.

11th Standard Computer Science English Medium Free Online Test Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Answer Key - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Name the volatile memory

  • 2)

    How many bytes does 1 KiloByte contain?

  • 3)

    Which of the following is not the part of a microprocessor unit?

  • 4)

    Which of the following header file defines the standard I/O predefined functions?

  • 5)

    Which of the following is the collection of variables of the same type that an referenced by a common name?

11th Standard Computer Science English Medium Free Online Test Book Back One Mark Questions - Part Two - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Identify the output device

  • 2)

    Expansion for ASCII

  • 3)

    How many bits constitute a word?

  • 4)

    Which of the following is not a Function of Operating System?

  • 5)

    Which is the default folder for many Windows Applications to save your file?

11th Standard Computer Science English Medium Free Online Test Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Answer Key - Part Two - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Which one of the following is used to in ATM machines

  • 2)

    2\(\wedge \)50 is referred as

  • 3)

    Which of the following is a CISC processor?

  • 4)

    Interactive Operating System provides

  • 5)

    Identify the default email client in Ubuntu?

11th Standard Computer Science English Medium Free Online Test Book Back One Mark Questions - Part Three - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Which generation of computer used IC's?

  • 2)

    NAND is called as ......Gate

  • 3)

    Display devices are connected to the computer through

  • 4)

    Which of the following refers to Android operating system's version?

  • 5)

    Where will you select the option to log out, suspend, restart, or shut down from the desktop of Ubuntu OS?

11th Standard Computer Science English Medium Free Online Test Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Answer Key - Part Three - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Which one of the following is the main memory?

  • 2)

    NOR is a combination of ?

  • 3)

    What is the smallest size of data represented in a CD?

  • 4)

    Android is a ________

  • 5)

    Which is the default browser for Ubuntu?

11th Standard Computer Science English Medium Free Online Test Creative 1 Mark Questions - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Which of the following led us today to extremely high speed calculating device?

  • 2)

    How the information entered in a computer?

  • 3)

    Which of the following is not included in computer organization?

  • 4)

    Which of the following acts as an interface between a user and a computer?

  • 5)

    Which OS used on webservers and super computers?

11th Standard Computer Science English Medium Free Online Test Creative One Mark Questions with Answer Key - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    In which year the concept of the analytical engine was invented?

  • 2)

    The collection of 4 bits is _______

  • 3)

    Which of the following company manufacturing especially mother board and processors?

  • 4)

    ________ is a windows alternative open source operating system.

  • 5)

    How many disk drive options are there in Windows?

11th Standard Computer Science English Medium Free Online Test Creative 1 Mark Questions - Part Two - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    In which generation, Microcomputer series such as IBM & APPLE was developed?

  • 2)

    Which term refers to a part which together with another makes up a whole?

  • 3)

    Microprocessors were first introduced in the early _______.

  • 4)

    Which of the following is an example of CISC processor?

  • 5)

    Which of the following is not true about Timesharing OS?

11th Standard Computer Science English Medium Free Online Test Creative One Mark Questions with Answer Key - Part Two - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    IBM 1620 belongs to which computer generation of computers?

  • 2)

    Which of the following is a programmable multipurpose silicon chip that is based on a register?

  • 3)

    The fourth generation belongs to _______.

  • 4)

    CD data represented as tiny indentations are called ________

  • 5)

    Which of the following is the another way of open a program?

11th Standard Computer Science English Medium Free Online Test Creative 1 Mark Questions - Part Three - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Optical Mouse invented in the year _______.

  • 2)

    Identify the statement which is wrong?

  • 3)

    The base of an octal number system is represented by............

  • 4)

    Pick the odd one.

  • 5)

    In 8 bit processor, its MDR and the word in the......... memory have bits

11th Standard Computer Science English Medium Free Online Test Creative One Mark Questions with Answer Key - Part Three - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Expand POST

  • 2)

    For 11012 the equalent Hexadecimal equivalent is?

  • 3)

    How many memory locations are identified by a processor with 8 bits address bus at a time?

  • 4)

    Interactive Operating System provides

  • 5)

    Which of the following OS is not based on Linux?

11th Standard Computer Science English Medium Free Online Test Creative 1 Mark Questions - Part Four - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    In which generation, the Voice Recognition software developed?

  • 2)

    I am volatile memory. Who am I?

  • 3)

    Wired, wireless and virtual are the categories of ______

  • 4)

    Which one of the following are called universal gates?

  • 5)

    Which symbol is used to in OR operator?

11th Standard Computer Science English Medium Free Online Test Creative One Mark Questions with Answer Key - Part Four - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Which component used in third generation computers?

  • 2)

    Which of the following is a type of computation in which many calculations are carried out simultaneously?

  • 3)

    Who is considered to be the father of computers?

  • 4)

    In which ROM contents can be erased by exposing to an electrical charge?

  • 5)

    Which operating system is used to access shared data and files any machine around the world?

11th Standard Computer Science English Medium Free Online Test Creative 1 Mark Questions - Part Five - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    The expansion of LCD is _____

  • 2)

    1 kilo byte represents _______ bytes.

  • 3)

    Which of the following statement is false?
    (i) In ROM, data can be modified.
    (ii) In PROM, data can be written only once.
    (iii) In EPROM, data can be erased using UV rays.
    (iv) EEPROM is not a special type of PROM

  • 4)

    ___________is commonly used to measure wave frequencies.

  • 5)

    Which of the following memory is of higher cost?

11th Standard Computer Science English Medium Free Online Test Creative One Mark Questions with Answer Key - Part Five - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    In which generation, the Voice Recognition software developed?

  • 2)

    Laser mouse has as many as ______ buttons.

  • 3)

    Which is a volatile memory?

  • 4)

    How many coding schemes are used to represent a character in India?

  • 5)

    What is the output of XOR gate?

11th Standard Computer Science Introduction to Computers English Medium Free Online Test One Mark Questions 2020 - 2021 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    First generation computers used

  • 2)

    Identify the output device

  • 3)

    Which one of the following is the main memory?

  • 4)

    Which of the following led us today to extremely high speed calculating device?

  • 5)

    In which year the concept of the analytical engine was invented?

11th Standard Computer Science Introduction to Computers English Medium Free Online Test 1 Mark Questions with Answer Key 2020 - 2021 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Name the volatile memory

  • 2)

    Identify the input device

  • 3)

    Which generation of computer used IC's?

  • 4)

    The first calculating device is ______.

  • 5)

    Which of the following period the first generation computers belongs?

11th Standard Computer Science Computer Organization English Medium Free Online Test One Mark Questions 2020 - 2021 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Which of the following is said to be the brain of a computer?

  • 2)

    How many bits constitute a word?

  • 3)

    What is the smallest size of data represented in a CD?

  • 4)

    Which of the following involved in designing a computer?

  • 5)

    Microprocessors were first introduced in the early _______.

11th Standard Computer Science Computer Organization English Medium Free Online Test One Mark Questions with Answer Key 2020 - 2021 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Which of the following is not the part of a microprocessor unit?

  • 2)

    Display devices are connected to the computer through

  • 3)

    Which of the following deals with the hardware components of a computer system?

  • 4)

    Which of the following performs all tasks in the computer?

  • 5)

    The first general purpose Microprocessor developed by ............

11th Standard Computer Science Operating Systems English Medium Free Online Test One Mark Questions 2020 - 2021 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Operating system is a

  • 2)

    Interactive Operating System provides

  • 3)

    Which of the following refers to Android operating system's version?

  • 4)

    Which is used to perform any computer operation?

  • 5)

    Which of the following operating systems not used in laptops?

11th Computer Science - Full Portion Five Marks Question Paper - by 8682895000 - View & Read

  • 1)

    Discuss the various generations of computers.

  • 2)

    Subtract 11010112 - 1110102

  • 3)

    Convert the following Decimal numbers to its equivalent Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal. - 1920

  • 4)

    Explain the characteristics of a microprocessor.

  • 5)

    Explain the versions of Windows Operating System.

11th Computer Science - Full Portion Three Marks Question Paper - by 8682895000 - View & Read

  • 1)

    What is an input device? Give two examples.

  • 2)

    Write short note on impact printer.

  • 3)

    Differentiate PROM and EPROM

  • 4)

    Write a note on RISC processor.

  • 5)

    Why the operating system is needed?

11th Computer Science - Full Portion Two Marks Question Paper - by 8682895000 - View & Read

  • 1)

    Distinguish between data and information?

  • 2)

    Write the two main categories of Printer.

  • 3)

    What is Mechatronics?

  • 4)

    Draw the truth table for XOR gate.

  • 5)

    What does R/\(\bar{W}\) denotes when CPU and memory connected by bus?

11th Computer Science - Revision Model Question Paper 2 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    First generation computers used

  • 2)

    The NOT operator is represented by the symbol _____.

  • 3)

    The Main memory also called as ...........

  • 4)

    Which of the following Operating system are support Mobile Devices?

  • 5)

    Expansion of VBox is ______

11th Computer Science - Public Exam Model Question Paper 2019 - 2020 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Expand POST

  • 2)

    EBCDIC uses.....bit coding scheme.

  • 3)

    What will be the value of of control line for read operation from RAM to MDR?

  • 4)

    Identify the usage of Operating Systems

  • 5)

    Which option is used to save the file?

11th Computer Science - Arrays and Structures Model Question Paper - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    The size of an array should be specified in _________.

  • 2)

    Array index number always start from _________.

  • 3)

    Displaying all the elements in an array is an example of _________.

  • 4)

    The number of characters entered in an array char n[4] is _________.

  • 5)

    In an array char str[5]={'A', 'B', 'C'}; what is the value of str[4]?

11th Computer Science - Introduction to Object Oriented Programming Techniques Model Question Paper - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Which of the following is an approach to programming?

  • 2)

    Which of the following is not an approach to programming?

  • 3)

    Which of the following is hidden under the modules?

  • 4)

    Which of the following is an example of modular programming?

  • 5)

    What concept used in C++ to bind data and function together into a single unit?

11th Computer Science - Classes and Objects Model Question Paper - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Which of the following is needed to represent real world entities?

  • 2)

    Which of the following is used to create user defined datatype?

  • 3)

    The body of the class enclosed and terminated with ________.

  • 4)

    By default, class members are treated as ________.

  • 5)

    The default access specifier of class members is ________.

11th Computer Science - Polymorphism Model Question Paper - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Which of the following is the ability of a message to be displayed in more than one form?

  • 2)

    In C++, Polymorphism is achieved through ________.

  • 3)

    The number and types of a function's parameter are called ________.

  • 4)

    The process of selecting the most appropriate overloaded function or operator is called ________.

  • 5)

    Which of the following not considered in overloading?

11th Computer Science - Computer Ethics and Cyber Security Model Question Paper - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Which of the following is not a cyber - crime?

  • 2)

    Which of the following is a set of moral principles that rule the behavior of individuals who use computers?

  • 3)

    Which of the following is an intellectual white-collar crime?

  • 4)

    Which of the following crime that tricking people into believing something is not true?

  • 5)

    "unauthorized copying of software" is called _________.

11th Computer Science - Tamil Computing Model Question Paper - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    How many percentage of Internet users consider local language digital content to be more reliable than english?

  • 2)

    Which year onwards, 74% if people in India will access Internet using Tamil?

  • 3)

    Which country provides all their services through the official website in Tamil?

  • 4)

    Which of the following coding systems specially designed for Indian languages?

  • 5)

    The first version of Unicode is________.

11th Computer Science - Functions Model Question Paper - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Which of the following statement is (are) false?
    (i) complicated programs cannot be divided
    (ii) It is easier the test, debug the functions
    (iii) Programmers can not work on different-functions simultaneously

  • 2)

    Which of the following provides function prototype and library functions definitions?

  • 3)

    A header file can be identified by .................

  • 4)

    toupper() belongs to _______.

  • 5)

    How the strings are compared using strampc?

11th Computer Science - Flow of Control Model Question Paper - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Which of the following used to enclose a group of statements?

  • 2)

    A group of statements enclosed by { } is called ________.

  • 3)

    Which of the statement(s) called as control flow?

  • 4)

    Which of the following statements do not after the flow of execution?

  • 5)

    Selection statement is also called ________.

11th Computer Science - Inheritance Model Question Paper - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Which of the following class is a power packed class?

  • 2)

    Which of the following statement is true or false?
    (i) Inheritance represents read world relationships
    (ii) Inheritance does not provide code resuability
    (iii) Inheritance does not supports transitivity
    (iv) Inheritance support private visibility mode

  • 3)

    When more than one derived clauses are created from a single base class called ________.

  • 4)

    When a derived class inherits from multiple base classes is known as ________.

  • 5)

    The default visibility mode is ________.

11th Computer Science - Introduction To C++ Model Question Paper - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Who developed C language?

  • 2)

    Which of the following are not possible in C?

  • 3)

    How many ASCII characters can processed by c++?

  • 4)

    Which of the following are the reserved words in c++?

  • 5)

    Which of the following are the user-defined names given to different parts of the c++ program?

11th Computer Science - Composition and Decomposition Model Question Paper - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Which notation is similar to programming languages?

  • 2)

    Which of the following is a diagrammatic notation for representing algorithms?

  • 3)

    An algorithm expressed in the programming language is called _______.

  • 4)

    Which of the following is not a programming language?

  • 5)

    Which of the following is the most widely used notation to represent algorithms?

11th Computer Science - Iteration and recursion Model Question Paper - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    How many cases are there a recursive solver has_______.

  • 2)

    Which of the following is a recursive solver case?

  • 3)

    In which year E W Dijkstra was awarded ACM Turing Award?

  • 4)

    In a loop, if L is an invariant of the loop body B, then L is known as a __________

  • 5)

    The input size to a sub problem is __________ than the input size to the original problem.

11th Computer Science - Specification and Abstraction Model Question Paper - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Which is intended to solve a problem?

  • 2)

    How many basic building blocks are there to construct algorithms?

  • 3)

    When operations are done on data, the results are stored in ________.

  • 4)

    The data stored in a variable is also called ________.

  • 5)

    How the state of the process represented in an algorithm?

11th Computer Science - Computer Organization Model Question Paper - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Which of the following is not the part of a microprocessor unit?

  • 2)

    How many bits constitute a word?

  • 3)

    Display devices are connected to the computer through

  • 4)

    Which of the following performs all tasks in the computer?

  • 5)

    Microprocessors were first introduced in the early _______.

11th Computer Science - Operating Systems Model Question Paper - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Which of the following Operating system are support Mobile Devices?

  • 2)

    File Management manages

  • 3)

    Which of the following acts as an interface between a user and a computer?

  • 4)

    Which of the following operating systems not used in laptops?

  • 5)

    Which of the following operating system are not in mobile phones?

11th Computer Science - Working with Typical Operating System Model Question Paper - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Which is the default folder for many Windows Applications to save your file?

  • 2)

    Identify the default email client in Ubuntu?

  • 3)

    Which is the default application for spreadsheets in Ubuntu? This is available in the software launcher?

  • 4)

    Which of the following is not an access applications?

  • 5)

    In which version of windows the mouse was introduced?

11th Computer Science - Introduction to Computers Important Questions - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    When a system restarts which type of booting is used.

  • 2)

    Which generation of computer used IC's?

  • 3)

    The component used in second generation computers is _____

  • 4)

    Super Conductors are used in _____ generation computers.

  • 5)

    Expand NLP _____

11th Computer Science - Number Systems Important Questions - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    How many bytes does 1 KiloByte contain?

  • 2)

    What is the 1's complement of 00100110?

  • 3)

    Which amongst this is not an Octal number?

  • 4)

    NOR is a combination of ?

  • 5)

    NAND is called as ......Gate

11th Computer Science - Half Yearly Model Question Paper 2019 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Which one of the following is the main memory?

  • 2)

    The speed of inkjet printers generally range from _________

  • 3)

    NOR is a combination of ?

  • 4)

    The variables which can store the truth values are called as _______

  • 5)

    Which of the following is a CISC processor?

11th Computer Science - Term II Model Question Paper - by Faridha Begum - Rameswaram - View & Read

  • 1)

    Name the volatile memory

  • 2)

    Which refers to the number of bits processed by a computer's CPU?

  • 3)

    A + A = ?

  • 4)

    Which of the following is a CISC processor?

  • 5)

    Which of the following OS is a Commercially licensed Operating system?

11th Standard Computer Science - Computer Ethics and Cyber Security Model Question Paper - by Faridha Begum - Rameswaram - View & Read

  • 1)

    Which of the following deals with procedures, practices and values?

  • 2)

    Commercial programs made available to the public illegally are known as

  • 3)

    The process of converting cipher text to plain text is called

  • 4)

    Distributing unwanted e-mail to other is called

  • 5)

    Which of the following is a communication media which is easily accessible and open to all?

11th Standard Computer Science - Tamil Computing Model Question Paper - by Faridha Begum - Rameswaram - View & Read

  • 1)

    Which of the following plays a vital role in ever man's life?  

  • 2)

    How many percentage of people using Internet is Tamil? 

  • 3)

    How many percentage of Internet users consider local language digital content to be more reliable than english?

  • 4)

    Which year onwards, 74% if people in India will access Internet using Tamil?

  • 5)

    Which of the following provide searching facilities in Tamil?

11th Standard Computer Science - Introduction To C++ Three Marks Questions - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Describe the differences between keywords and identifiers?

  • 2)

    Differentiate “=” and “==”.

  • 3)

    Assume a=10, b=15; What will be the value of a^b?

  • 4)

    What is the difference between “Run time error” and “Syntax error”?

  • 5)

    What are the differences between “Logical error” and “Syntax error”?

11th Standard Computer Science - Flow of Control Three Marks Questions - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Rewrite the following code so that it is functional:
    v = 5;
    total += v;
    cout << total;
    while v <= 10

  • 2)

    Write C++ program to sum the numbers from 1 to 10 using for loop.

  • 3)

    What do you know about switch statement?

  • 4)

    Write a C++ program to find sum of any 5 numbers.

  • 5)

    What is goto statement? Explain

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TN Stateboard Education Study Materials

11th Stateboard Computer Science 2019 - 2020 Academic Monthly Syllabus - by Question Bank Software Aug 13, 2019

Computer Science 2019 - 2020 Academic Monthly Syllabus

How to Score Centum in 11th Computer Science and Model Centum Question Papers - by Karthik.S.M Jan 17, 2019

  • கணிப்பொறி அறிவியல் பாடத்தில் நூற...

Plus One Computer Science Centum Tips!!! - by KARTHIK.S.M Jan 12, 2019

  • கணிப்பொறி அறிவியல் பாடத்தில் நூற...

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TN Stateboard Updated Class 11th Computer Science Syllabus

Introduction to Computers

Introduction to Computers-Generations of Computers-Sixth Generation Computing-Data and Information-Components of a Computer-Booting of Computer

Number Systems

Introduction-Data Representations-Different Types of Number Systems-Number System Conversions-Binary Representation for Signed Numbers-Binary Arithmetic-Representing Characters in Memory
Part-II-Boolean Algebra
Introduction-Basic Logic Gates

Computer Organization

Introduction-Basics of Microprocessors-Data Communication between CPU and Memory-Types of Microprocessors-Memory Devices-Secondary Storage Devices-Ports and Interfaces

Theoretical Concepts of Operating System

Introduction to Software-Introduction to Operating System (OS)-Types of Operating System-Key Features of the Operating System-Prominent Operating Systems

Working with Typical Operating System

Part-I Working with Windows
Introduction to Operating System-Introduction to Windows Operating System-Various Versions of Windows-Handling the Mouse-Windows Desktop-the Window-Application Window-Document Window-Elements of a Window-Explore the Computer-Managing Files and Folders-Creating Shortcuts on the Desktop-Shutting Down or Logging off a Computer
Part-II: Working with Linux (Ubuntu)
Open Source Operating System-Linux-Ubuntu-Ubuntu Desktop-the Desktop Background-the Launcher (equivalent to Task Bar)-Elements of Ubuntu-Creating, Deleting Files/folders-Shutting Down Ubuntu Using Session Options

Specification and Abstraction

Algorithms-Algorithmic Problems-Building Blocks of Algorithms-Algorithm Design Techniques-Specification-Abstraction

Composition and Decomposition

Notations for Algorithms-Composition-Decomposition

Iteration and Recursion

Invariants-Loop Invariant-Invariants-Examples-Recursion

Unit I - Fundamentals of Computer and Working with a Typical Operating Systems (Windows and Linux)

Following chapters are covers in this unit
Introduction to Computers
Number Systems
Computer Organization
Theoretical Concepts of Operating System
Working with Typical Operating System
Part-I Working with Windows
Part-II Working with Linux (Ubuntu)

Unit II - Algorithmic Problem Solving

In this unit, it covers the chapter are
Specification and Abstraction
Composition and Decomposition
Iteration and Recursion

TN StateboardStudy Material - Sample Question Papers with Solutions for Class 11 Session 2020 - 2021

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