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Maths Question Papers

7th Standard Maths T3 - Statistics English Medium Free Online Test 1 Mark Questions with Answer Key 2020 - 2021 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    ___________is a representative value of the entire data.

  • 2)

    The mean of first fifteen even numbers is _______

  • 3)

    The average of two numbers are 20. One number is 24, another number is ________

  • 4)

    The mean of the data 12, x, 28 is 18. Find the value of x.

  • 5)

    The colours used by the six students for drawing is blue, orange, yellow, white, green and blue then the mode is _______.

7th Standard Maths T3 - Geometry English Medium Free Online Test 1 Mark Questions with Answer Key 2020 - 2021 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    A _____ is a turn about a point.

  • 2)

    A _____ is a flip over a line.

  • 3)

    A _____ is a slide; move without turning or flipping the shape.

  • 4)

    The transformation used in the picture is

  • 5)

    The transformation used in the picture is

7th Standard Maths T3 - Algebra English Medium Free Online Test 1 Mark Questions with Answer Key 2020 - 2021 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    If a + b = 5 and a2 + b2 = 13 , then ab = ?

  • 2)

    (5 + 20)(− 20 − 5) = ?

  • 3)

    The factors of x2 − 6x + 9 are

  • 4)

    The common factors of the algebraic expressions ax2 y , bxy2 and cxyz is

  • 5)

    The solutions of the inequation 3 ≤ p ≤ 6 are (where p is a natural number)

7th Standard Maths T3 - Percentage and Simple Interest English Medium Free Online Test 1 Mark Questions with Answer Key 2020 - 2021 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Thendral saved one fourth of her salary. Her savings percentage is

  • 2)

    Kavin scored 15 out of 25 in a test. The percentage of his marks is

  • 3)

    0.07% is

  • 4)

    Decimal value of 142.5% is

  • 5)

    The percentage of 0.005 is

7th Standard Maths T2 - Information Processing English Medium Free Online Test 1 Mark Questions with Answer Key 2020 - 2021 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Identify the correct relationship between x and y from the given table.

    x 1 2 3 4 ...
    y 4 8 12 16 ...
  • 2)

    Identify the correct relationship between x and y from the given table.

    x -2 -1 0 1 2 ...
    y 6 3 0 -3 -6 ...
  • 3)

    The elements along the sixth row of the Pascal’s Triangle is

  • 4)

    The difference between the consecutive terms of the fifth slanting row containing four elements of a Pascal’s Triangle is

  • 5)

    What is the sum of the elements of nineth row in the Pascal’s Triangle?

7th Standard Maths T2 - Geometry English Medium Free Online Test 1 Mark Questions with Answer Key 2020 - 2021 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    One of the angles of a triangle is 650. If the difference of the other two angles is 450, then the two angles are

  • 2)

    In the given figure, which of the following statement is true?

  • 3)

    In a ΔABC, AB = AC. The value of x is ____.

  • 4)

    If an exterior angle of a triangle is 1150 and one of the interior opposite angles is 350, then the other two angles of the triangle are

  • 5)

    If two plane figures are congruent then they have

7th Standard Maths T2 - Algebra English Medium Free Online Test 1 Mark Questions with Answer Key 2020 - 2021 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    The exponential form of 72 is

  • 2)

    The value of x in the equation a13 = x3 x a10 is

  • 3)

    How many zeros are there in 10010?

  • 4)

    240 + 240 is equal to

  • 5)

    Observe the equation (10 + y)4 = 50625 and find the value of y.

7th Standard Maths T2 - Measurements English Medium Free Online Test 1 Mark Questions with Answer Key 2020 - 2021 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    To convert grams into kilograms, we have to divide it by

  • 2)

    A cricket pitch is about 264 cm wide. It is equal to ____ m.

  • 3)

    3 + \(\frac { 4 }{ 100 } +\frac { 9 }{ 1000 } \) = ?

  • 4)

    \(\frac { 3 }{ 5 } \) = ______

  • 5)

    The simplest form of 0.35 is

7th Standard Maths T2 - Number System English Medium Free Online Test 1 Mark Questions with Answer Key 2020 - 2021 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    To convert grams into kilograms, we have to divide it by

  • 2)

    A cricket pitch is about 264 cm wide. It is equal to ____ m.

  • 3)

    3 + \(\frac { 4 }{ 100 } +\frac { 9 }{ 1000 } \) = ?

  • 4)

    \(\frac { 3 }{ 5 } \) = ______

  • 5)

    The simplest form of 0.35 is

7th Standard Maths T1 - Geometry English Medium Free Online Test 1 Mark Questions with Answer Key 2020 - 2021 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Adjacent angles have

  • 2)

    In the given figure the angles ∠1 and ∠2 are

  • 3)

    Vertically opposite angles are

  • 4)

    The sum of all angles at a point is

  • 5)

    The measure of \(\angle\)BOC is

7th Standard Maths T1 - Direct and Inverse Proportion English Medium Free Online Test 1 Mark Questions with Answer Key 2020 - 2021 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    If the cost of 3 books is Rs.90, then find the cost of 12 books.

  • 2)

    If Mani buys 5kg of potatoes for Rs.75 then he can buy ______kg of potatoes for Rs.105.

  • 3)

    35 cycles were produced in 5 days by a company then______ cycles will be produced in 21 days.

  • 4)

    An aircraft can accommodate 280 people in 2 trips. It can take ______trips to take 1400 people.

  • 5)

    Suppose 3 kg. of sugar is used to prepare sweets for 50 members, then ____ kg. of sugar is required for 150 members.

7th Standard Maths T1 - Algebra English Medium Free Online Test 1 Mark Questions with Answer Key 2020 - 2021 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    An algebraic expressions which is equivalent to the verbal statement “Three times the sum of x and y” is

  • 2)

    The numerical co-efficient of −7mn is

  • 3)

    Choose the pair of like terms

  • 4)

    The value of 7a − 4b when a = 3, b = 2 is

  • 5)

    The addition of 3mn, −5mn, 8mn and −4mn is

7th Standard Maths T1 - Measurements English Medium Free Online Test 1 Mark Questions with Answer Key 2020 - 2021 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    The area of a parallelogram whose base 10 m and height 7 m is

  • 2)

    What happens to the area of the parallelogram, if the base is increased 2 times and the height is halved?

  • 3)

    The area of the rhombus with side 4 cm and height 3 cm is

  • 4)

    The area of the rhombus when both diagonals measuring 8 cm is

  • 5)

    The area of the rhombus is 128 sq. cm and the length of one diagonal is 32 cm. The length of the other diagonal is

7th Standard Maths T1 - Number System English Medium Free Online Test 1 Mark Questions with Answer Key 2020 - 2021 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Identify the problem with negative numbers as its answer:

  • 2)

    (-8) + 10 + (-2) = ____

  • 3)

    (-5) - (-18) = ____

  • 4)

    Which of the following expressions is equal to –30.

  • 5)

    11 x (–1) = _____

7th Standard Maths T3 - Statistics English Medium Free Online Test 1 Mark Questions 2020-2021 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    ___________is a representative value of the entire data.

  • 2)

    The mean of first fifteen even numbers is _______

  • 3)

    The average of two numbers are 20. One number is 24, another number is ________

  • 4)

    The mean of the data 12, x, 28 is 18. Find the value of x.

  • 5)

    The colours used by the six students for drawing is blue, orange, yellow, white, green and blue then the mode is _______.

7th Standard Maths T3 - Geometry English Medium Free Online Test 1 Mark Questions 2020-2021 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    A _____ is a turn about a point.

  • 2)

    A _____ is a flip over a line.

  • 3)

    A _____ is a slide; move without turning or flipping the shape.

  • 4)

    The transformation used in the picture is

  • 5)

    The transformation used in the picture is

7th Standard Maths T3 - Algebra English Medium Free Online Test 1 Mark Questions 2020-2021 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    If a + b = 5 and a2 + b2 = 13 , then ab = ?

  • 2)

    (5 + 20)(− 20 − 5) = ?

  • 3)

    The factors of x2 − 6x + 9 are

  • 4)

    The common factors of the algebraic expressions ax2 y , bxy2 and cxyz is

  • 5)

    The solutions of the inequation 3 ≤ p ≤ 6 are (where p is a natural number)

7th Standard Maths T3 - Percentage and Simple Interest English Medium Free Online Test 1 Mark Questions 2020-2021 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Thendral saved one fourth of her salary. Her savings percentage is

  • 2)

    Kavin scored 15 out of 25 in a test. The percentage of his marks is

  • 3)

    0.07% is

  • 4)

    Decimal value of 142.5% is

  • 5)

    The percentage of 0.005 is

7th Standard Maths T3 - Number System English Medium Free Online Test 1 Mark Questions 2020-2021 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    7.0 – 2.83 = ?

  • 2)

    Subtract 1.35 from 3.51

  • 3)

    Sum of two decimals is 4.78. If one decimal is 3.21, then the other one is

  • 4)

    The difference of two decimals is 86.58 and one of the decimal is 42.31 Find the other one

  • 5)

    1.07 x 0.1 ________

7th Standard Maths T2 - Information Processing English Medium Free Online Test 1 Mark Questions 2020-2021 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Identify the correct relationship between x and y from the given table.

    x 1 2 3 4 ...
    y 4 8 12 16 ...
  • 2)

    Identify the correct relationship between x and y from the given table.

    x -2 -1 0 1 2 ...
    y 6 3 0 -3 -6 ...
  • 3)

    The elements along the sixth row of the Pascal’s Triangle is

  • 4)

    The difference between the consecutive terms of the fifth slanting row containing four elements of a Pascal’s Triangle is

  • 5)

    What is the sum of the elements of nineth row in the Pascal’s Triangle?

7th Standard Maths T2 - Geometry English Medium Free Online Test 1 Mark Questions 2020-2021 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    In the given figure, which of the following statement is true?

  • 2)

    An exterior angle of a triangle is 700 and two interior opposite angles are equal. Then measure of each of these angle will be

  • 3)

    In a ΔABC, AB = AC. The value of x is ____.

  • 4)

    If an exterior angle of a triangle is 1150 and one of the interior opposite angles is 350, then the other two angles of the triangle are

  • 5)

    If two plane figures are congruent then they have

7th Standard Maths T2 - Algebra English Medium Free Online Test 1 Mark Questions 2020-2021 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    The exponential form of 72 is

  • 2)

    The value of x in the equation a13 = x3 x a10 is

  • 3)

    How many zeros are there in 10010?

  • 4)

    240 + 240 is equal to

  • 5)

    Observe the equation (10 + y)4 = 50625 and find the value of y.

7th Standard Maths T2 - Measurements English Medium Free Online Test 1 Mark Questions 2020-2021 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Formula used to find the circumference of a circle is

  • 2)

    In the formula, C = 2πr, ‘r’ refers to

  • 3)

    If the circumference of a circle is 82π , then the value of ‘r’ is

  • 4)

    Circumference of a circle is always

  • 5)

    The formula used to find the area of the circle is ________ sq.units.

7th Standard Maths T2 - Number System English Medium Free Online Test 1 Mark Questions 2020-2021 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    The place value of 3 in 85.073 is _______

  • 2)

    To convert grams into kilograms, we have to divide it by

  • 3)

    The decimal representation of 30 kg and 43 g is ____ kg.

  • 4)

    A cricket pitch is about 264 cm wide. It is equal to ____ m.

  • 5)

    3 + \(\frac { 4 }{ 100 } +\frac { 9 }{ 1000 } \) = ?

7th Standard Maths T1 - Geometry English Medium Free Online Test 1 Mark Questions 2020-2021 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Adjacent angles have

  • 2)

    In the given figure the angles ∠1 and ∠2 are

  • 3)

    Vertically opposite angles are

  • 4)

    The sum of all angles at a point is

  • 5)

    The measure of \(\angle\)BOC is

7th Standard Maths T1 - Direct and Inverse Proportion English Medium Free Online Test 1 Mark Questions 2020-2021 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    If the cost of 3 books is Rs.90, then find the cost of 12 books.

  • 2)

    If Mani buys 5kg of potatoes for Rs.75 then he can buy ______kg of potatoes for Rs.105.

  • 3)

    35 cycles were produced in 5 days by a company then______ cycles will be produced in 21 days.

  • 4)

    An aircraft can accommodate 280 people in 2 trips. It can take ______trips to take 1400 people.

  • 5)

    Suppose 3 kg. of sugar is used to prepare sweets for 50 members, then ____ kg. of sugar is required for 150 members.

7th Standard Maths T1 - Algebra English Medium Free Online Test 1 Mark Questions 2020-2021 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    An algebraic expressions which is equivalent to the verbal statement “Three times the sum of x and y” is

  • 2)

    The numerical co-efficient of −7mn is

  • 3)

    Choose the pair of like terms

  • 4)

    The value of 7a − 4b when a = 3, b = 2 is

  • 5)

    The addition of 3mn, −5mn, 8mn and −4mn is

7th Standard Maths T1 - Measurements English Medium Free Online Test 1 Mark Questions 2020-2021 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    The perimeter of a parallelogram whose adjacent sides are 6 cm and 5 cm is

  • 2)

    The base of the parallelogram with area is 52 sq. cm and height 4 cm is

  • 3)

    In a parallelogram the base is three times its height. If the height is 8 cm then the area is

  • 4)

    The area of the rhombus when both diagonals measuring 8 cm is

  • 5)

    The area of the rhombus is 128 sq. cm and the length of one diagonal is 32 cm. The length of the other diagonal is

7th Standard Maths T1 - Number System English Medium Free Online Test 1 Mark Questions 2020-2021 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    The temperature at 12 noon at a certain place was 18° above zero. If it decreases at the rate of 3° per hour at what time it would be 12° below zero?

  • 2)

    (-10) + ( +7)=____

  • 3)

    20 + (-9) + (9)

  • 4)

    (-100) - 0 + 100 = _____

  • 5)

    Which property is illustrated by the equation:(5 x 2) + (5 x 5) = 5 x (2 + 5)

7th Standard Maths English Medium Free Online Test Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Answer Key Part - 3 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    (-8) + 10 + (-2) = ____

  • 2)

    In a parallelogram the base is three times its height. If the height is 8 cm then the area is

  • 3)

    In an expression, we can add or subtract only

  • 4)

    Adjacent angles have

  • 5)

    To convert grams into kilograms, we have to divide it by

7th Standard Maths English Medium Free Online Test Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Answer Key Part - 2 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    11 x (–1) = _____

  • 2)

    The height of the rhombus whose area 96 sq. m and side 24 m is

  • 3)

    The generalization of the number pattern 3, 6, 9, 12,… is

  • 4)

    4 typists are employed to complete a work in 12 days. If two more typists are added, they will finish the same work in _______ days.

  • 5)

    Which of the following statements is ALWAYS TRUE when parallel lines are cut by a transversal

7th Standard Maths English Medium Free Online Test Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Answer Key Part - 1 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    20 + (-9) + (9)

  • 2)

    The area of the rhombus when both diagonals measuring 8 cm is

  • 3)

    The solution of 3x + 5 = x + 9 is

  • 4)

    An aircraft can accommodate 280 people in 2 trips. It can take ______trips to take 1400 people.

  • 5)

    In the given figure, angles a and b are

7th Standard Maths English Medium Free Online Test Book Back 1 Mark Questions Part - Three - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    (−16) ÷ 4 is the same as

  • 2)

    The height of the rhombus whose area 96 sq. m and side 24 m is

  • 3)

    The solution of 3x + 5 = x + 9 is

  • 4)

    12 cows can graze a field for 10 days. 20 cows can graze the same field for_____ days.

  • 5)

    A line which intersects two or more lines in different points is known as

7th Standard Maths English Medium Free Online Test Book Back 1 Mark Questions Part - Two - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    The place value of 3 in 85.073 is _______

  • 2)

    Circumference of a circle is always

  • 3)

    The exponential form of 72 is

  • 4)

    Which of the following methods are used to check the congruence of plane figures?

  • 5)

    The difference between the consecutive terms of the fifth slanting row containing four elements of a Pascal’s Triangle is

7th Standard Maths English Medium Free Online Test Book Back 1 Mark Questions Part - One - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    (-10) + ( +7)=____

  • 2)

    In a trapezium if the sum of the parallel sides is 10 m and the area is 140 sq. m, then the height is

  • 3)

    When we subtract ‘a’ from ‘-a’, we get _______

  • 4)

    35 cycles were produced in 5 days by a company then______ cycles will be produced in 21 days.

  • 5)

    3 + \(\frac { 4 }{ 100 } +\frac { 9 }{ 1000 } \) = ?

7th Standard Maths English Medium Free Online Test 1 Mark Questions with Answer Key 2020 - 2021 Part - 10 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    (-8) + 10 + (-2) = ____

  • 2)

    What happens to the area of the parallelogram, if the base is increased 2 times and the height is halved?

  • 3)

    When we subtract ‘a’ from ‘-a’, we get _______

  • 4)

    An aircraft can accommodate 280 people in 2 trips. It can take ______trips to take 1400 people.

  • 5)

    Vertically opposite angles are

7th Standard Maths English Medium Free Online Test 1 Mark Questions with Answer Key 2020 - 2021 Part - 9 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Which property is illustrated by the equation:(5 x 2) + (5 x 5) = 5 x (2 + 5)

  • 2)

    The area of the rhombus when both diagonals measuring 8 cm is

  • 3)

    The value of 7a − 4b when a = 3, b = 2 is

  • 4)

    35 cycles were produced in 5 days by a company then______ cycles will be produced in 21 days.

  • 5)

    The sum of all angles at a point is

7th Standard Maths English Medium Free Online Test 1 Mark Questions with Answer Key 2020 - 2021 Part - 8 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    The temperature at 12 noon at a certain place was 18° above zero. If it decreases at the rate of 3° per hour at what time it would be 12° below zero?

  • 2)

    The perimeter of a parallelogram whose adjacent sides are 6 cm and 5 cm is

  • 3)

    Choose the pair of like terms

  • 4)

    35 cycles were produced in 5 days by a company then______ cycles will be produced in 21 days.

  • 5)

    Adjacent angles have

7th Standard Maths English Medium Free Online Test 1 Mark Questions with Answer Key 2020 - 2021 Part - 7 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Which of the following does not represent an Integer?

  • 2)

    The area of the trapezium, if the parallel sides are measuring 8 cm and 10 cm and the height 5 cm is

  • 3)

    The solution of 3x + 5 = x + 9 is

  • 4)

    35 cycles were produced in 5 days by a company then______ cycles will be produced in 21 days.

  • 5)

    Which of the following statements is ALWAYS TRUE when parallel lines are cut by a transversal

7th Standard Maths English Medium Free Online Test 1 Mark Questions with Answer Key 2020 - 2021 Part - 6 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    (-2) x −(-9) =_____

  • 2)

    What happens to the area of the parallelogram, if the base is increased 2 times and the height is halved?

  • 3)

    The addition of 3mn, −5mn, 8mn and −4mn is

  • 4)

    Suppose 3 kg. of sugar is used to prepare sweets for 50 members, then ____ kg. of sugar is required for 150 members.

  • 5)

    The sum of all angles at a point is

7th Standard Maths English Medium Free Online Test 1 Mark Questions with Answer Key 2020 - 2021 Part - 4 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Which of the following does not represent an Integer?

  • 2)

    The area of the rhombus is 128 sq. cm and the length of one diagonal is 32 cm. The length of the other diagonal is

  • 3)

    In an expression, we can add or subtract only

  • 4)

    12 cows can graze a field for 10 days. 20 cows can graze the same field for_____ days.

  • 5)

    In the diagram, what is the value of angle x?

7th Standard Maths English Medium Free Online Test 1 Mark Questions with Answer Key 2020 - 2021 Part - 5 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    (−16) ÷ 4 is the same as

  • 2)

    The area of the rhombus is 128 sq. cm and the length of one diagonal is 32 cm. The length of the other diagonal is

  • 3)

    In an expression, we can add or subtract only

  • 4)

    4 typists are employed to complete a work in 12 days. If two more typists are added, they will finish the same work in _______ days.

  • 5)

    In the given figure, angles a and b are

7th Standard Maths English Medium Free Online Test 1 Mark Questions with Answer Key 2020 - 2021 Part - 3 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    (-10) + ( +7)=____

  • 2)

    In a parallelogram the base is three times its height. If the height is 8 cm then the area is

  • 3)

    The value of 7a − 4b when a = 3, b = 2 is

  • 4)

    12 cows can graze a field for 10 days. 20 cows can graze the same field for_____ days.

  • 5)

    In the given figure, angles a and b are

7th Standard Maths English Medium Free Online Test 1 Mark Questions with Answer Key 2020 - 2021 Part - 2 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    11 x (–1) = _____

  • 2)

    The area of the rhombus with side 4 cm and height 3 cm is

  • 3)

    The addition of 3mn, −5mn, 8mn and −4mn is

  • 4)

    If Mani buys 5kg of potatoes for Rs.75 then he can buy ______kg of potatoes for Rs.105.

  • 5)

    The sum of all angles at a point is

7th Standard Maths English Medium Free Online Test 1 Mark Questions with Answer Key 2020 - 2021 Part - 1 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    (−200) ÷ 10 is

  • 2)

    The angle between the diagonals of a rhombus is

  • 3)

    The solution of 3x + 5 = x + 9 is

  • 4)

    A line which intersects two or more lines in different points is known as

  • 5)

    0.009 is equal to

7th Standard Maths English Medium Free Online Test 1 Mark Questions 2020 - 2021 Part - Ten - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    (-8) + 10 + (-2) = ____

  • 2)

    The area of a parallelogram whose base 10 m and height 7 m is

  • 3)

    The area of the trapezium, if the parallel sides are measuring 8 cm and 10 cm and the height 5 cm is

  • 4)

    The addition of 3mn, −5mn, 8mn and −4mn is

  • 5)

    An aircraft can accommodate 280 people in 2 trips. It can take ______trips to take 1400 people.

7th Standard Maths English Medium Free Online Test 1 Mark Questions 2020 - 2021 Part - Nine - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Which property is illustrated by the equation:(5 x 2) + (5 x 5) = 5 x (2 + 5)

  • 2)

    The area of a parallelogram whose base 10 m and height 7 m is

  • 3)

    The area of the trapezium, if the parallel sides are measuring 8 cm and 10 cm and the height 5 cm is

  • 4)

    Choose the pair of like terms

  • 5)

    Suppose 3 kg. of sugar is used to prepare sweets for 50 members, then ____ kg. of sugar is required for 150 members.

7th Standard Maths English Medium Free Online Test 1 Mark Questions 2020 - 2021 Part - Eight - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Which of the following does not represent an Integer?

  • 2)

    The height of the rhombus whose area 96 sq. m and side 24 m is

  • 3)

    In an expression, we can add or subtract only

  • 4)

    4 typists are employed to complete a work in 12 days. If two more typists are added, they will finish the same work in _______ days.

  • 5)

    Which of the following statements is ALWAYS TRUE when parallel lines are cut by a transversal

7th Standard Maths English Medium Free Online Test 1 Mark Questions 2020 - 2021 Part - Seven - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    (-5) - (-18) = ____

  • 2)

    An algebraic expressions which is equivalent to the verbal statement “Three times the sum of x and y” is

  • 3)

    An aircraft can accommodate 280 people in 2 trips. It can take ______trips to take 1400 people.

  • 4)

    The sum of all angles at a point is

  • 5)

    The simplest form of 0.35 is

7th Standard Maths English Medium Free Online Test 1 Mark Questions 2020 - 2021 Part - Six - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    The temperature at 12 noon at a certain place was 18° above zero. If it decreases at the rate of 3° per hour at what time it would be 12° below zero?

  • 2)

    The area of the rhombus with side 4 cm and height 3 cm is

  • 3)

    35 cycles were produced in 5 days by a company then______ cycles will be produced in 21 days.

  • 4)

    A line which intersects two or more lines in different points is known as

  • 5)

    The simplest form of 0.35 is

7th Standard Maths English Medium Free Online Test 1 Mark Questions 2020 - 2021 Part - Five - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    (-5) - (-18) = ____

  • 2)

    The area of the trapezium, if the parallel sides are measuring 8 cm and 10 cm and the height 5 cm is

  • 3)

    Adjacent angles have

  • 4)

    To convert grams into kilograms, we have to divide it by

  • 5)

    The decimal number which lies between 4 and 5 is ____

7th Standard Maths English Medium Free Online Test 1 Mark Questions 2020 - 2021 Part - Four - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    20 + (-9) + (9)

  • 2)

    The angle between the diagonals of a rhombus is

  • 3)

    In an expression, we can add or subtract only

  • 4)

    4 typists are employed to complete a work in 12 days. If two more typists are added, they will finish the same work in _______ days.

  • 5)

    The place value of 3 in 85.073 is _______

7th Standard Maths English Medium Free Online Test 1 Mark Questions 2020 - 2021 Part - Three - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    (-8) + 10 + (-2) = ____

  • 2)

    The height of the rhombus whose area 96 sq. m and side 24 m is

  • 3)

    When we subtract ‘a’ from ‘-a’, we get _______

  • 4)

    12 cows can graze a field for 10 days. 20 cows can graze the same field for_____ days.

  • 5)

    In the diagram, what is the value of angle x?

7th Standard Maths English Medium Free Online Test 1 Mark Questions 2020 - 2021 Part - Two - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    (-10) + ( +7)=____

  • 2)

    The area of the rhombus is 128 sq. cm and the length of one diagonal is 32 cm. The length of the other diagonal is

  • 3)

    The addition of 3mn, −5mn, 8mn and −4mn is

  • 4)

    Suppose 3 kg. of sugar is used to prepare sweets for 50 members, then ____ kg. of sugar is required for 150 members.

  • 5)

    Which of the following statements is ALWAYS TRUE when parallel lines are cut by a transversal

7th Standard Maths English Medium Free Online Test 1 Mark Questions 2020 - 2021 Part - Two - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    (-10) + ( +7)=____

  • 2)

    The area of the rhombus is 128 sq. cm and the length of one diagonal is 32 cm. The length of the other diagonal is

  • 3)

    The addition of 3mn, −5mn, 8mn and −4mn is

  • 4)

    Suppose 3 kg. of sugar is used to prepare sweets for 50 members, then ____ kg. of sugar is required for 150 members.

  • 5)

    Which of the following statements is ALWAYS TRUE when parallel lines are cut by a transversal

7th Standard Maths English Medium Free Online Test 1 Mark Questions 2020 - 2021 Part - One - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Identify the problem with negative numbers as its answer:

  • 2)

    The area of the rhombus when both diagonals measuring 8 cm is

  • 3)

    The value of 7a − 4b when a = 3, b = 2 is

  • 4)

    An aircraft can accommodate 280 people in 2 trips. It can take ______trips to take 1400 people.

  • 5)

    In the given figure, angles a and b are

7th Standard Maths Important Questions Chapter Important Questions - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    The temperature at 12 noon at a certain place was 18° above zero. If it decreases at the rate of 3° per hour at what time it would be 12° below zero?

  • 2)

    (-5) - (-18) = ____

  • 3)

    (-100) - 0 + 100 = _____

  • 4)

    The height of the rhombus whose area 96 sq. m and side 24 m is

  • 5)

    In a trapezium if the sum of the parallel sides is 10 m and the area is 140 sq. m, then the height is

7th Standard Maths Term 2 - Measurements Chapter Important Questions - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Formula used to find the circumference of a circle is

  • 2)

    In the formula, C = 2πr, ‘r’ refers to

  • 3)

    If the circumference of a circle is 82π , then the value of ‘r’ is

  • 4)

    Circumference of a circle is always

  • 5)

    The formula used to find the area of the circle is ________ sq.units.

7th Maths - Term 2 Information Processing Model Question Paper - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Identify the correct relationship between x and y from the given table.

    x 1 2 3 4 ...
    y 4 8 12 16 ...
  • 2)

    Identify the correct relationship between x and y from the given table.

    x -2 -1 0 1 2 ...
    y 6 3 0 -3 -6 ...
  • 3)

    The elements along the sixth row of the Pascal’s Triangle is

  • 4)

    What is the sum of the elements of nineth row in the Pascal’s Triangle?

  • 5)

    Choose the correct relationship between x and y from the given table.

    x -2 -1 0 1 2 ...
    y 4 5 6 7 8 ...

7th Maths - Term 2 Geometry Model Question Paper - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    The angles of a triangle are in the ratio 2: 3: 4. Then the angles are

  • 2)

    In the given figure, which of the following statement is true?

  • 3)

    In a ΔABC, AB = AC. The value of x is ____.

  • 4)

    If an exterior angle of a triangle is 1150 and one of the interior opposite angles is 350, then the other two angles of the triangle are

  • 5)

    If two plane figures are congruent then they have

7th Maths - Term 2 Algebra Model Question Paper - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    The exponential form of 72 is

  • 2)

    Observe the equation (10 + y)4 = 50625 and find the value of y.

  • 3)

    The unit digit of (32 x 65)0 is

  • 4)

    The degree of 6x7−7x3 + 4 is

  • 5)

    If p(x) and q(x) are two expressions of degree 3, then the degree of p(x) + q(x) is

7th Maths - Term 2 Measurements Model Question Paper - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    The formula used to find the area of the circle is ________ sq.units.

  • 2)

    The ratio of the area of a circle to the area of its semicircle is

  • 3)

    The formula to find the area of the circular path is

  • 4)

    The formula used to find the area of the rectangular path is

  • 5)

    The formula to find the width of the circular path is

7th Maths - Term 2 Number System Model Question Paper - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    The place value of 3 in 85.073 is _______

  • 2)

    To convert grams into kilograms, we have to divide it by

  • 3)

    The decimal representation of 30 kg and 43 g is ____ kg.

  • 4)

    A cricket pitch is about 264 cm wide. It is equal to ____ m.

  • 5)

    3 + \(\frac { 4 }{ 100 } +\frac { 9 }{ 1000 } \) = ?

7th Maths - Information Processing Model Question Paper - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    A tetromino is a shape obtained by __________squares together

  • 2)

    Draw a tetromino which passes symmetry __________

  • 3)

  • 4)

  • 5)

7th Maths - Geometry Model Question Paper - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Adjacent angles have

  • 2)

    The sum of all angles at a point is

  • 3)

    A line which intersects two or more lines in different points is known as

  • 4)

    In the given figure, angles a and b are

  • 5)

    In the diagram, what is the value of angle x?

7th Maths - Direct and Inverse Proportion Model Question Paper - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    If the cost of 3 books is Rs.90, then find the cost of 12 books.

  • 2)

    35 cycles were produced in 5 days by a company then______ cycles will be produced in 21 days.

  • 3)

    An aircraft can accommodate 280 people in 2 trips. It can take ______trips to take 1400 people.

  • 4)

    Suppose 3 kg. of sugar is used to prepare sweets for 50 members, then ____ kg. of sugar is required for 150 members.

  • 5)

    12 cows can graze a field for 10 days. 20 cows can graze the same field for_____ days.

7th Maths - Algebra Model Question Paper - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    An algebraic expressions which is equivalent to the verbal statement “Three times the sum of x and y” is

  • 2)

    The addition of 3mn, −5mn, 8mn and −4mn is

  • 3)

    When we subtract ‘a’ from ‘-a’, we get _______

  • 4)

    The generalization of the number pattern 3, 6, 9, 12,… is

  • 5)

    The equation y + 1 = 0 is true only when y is

7th Maths - Measurements Model Question Paper - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    The area of a parallelogram whose base 10 m and height 7 m is

  • 2)

    The base of the parallelogram with area is 52 sq. cm and height 4 cm is

  • 3)

    The area of the rhombus is 128 sq. cm and the length of one diagonal is 32 cm. The length of the other diagonal is

  • 4)

    The area of the trapezium, if the parallel sides are measuring 8 cm and 10 cm and the height 5 cm is

  • 5)

    when the non-parallel sides of a trapezium are equal then it is known as

7th Maths - Number System Model Question Paper - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    11 x (–1) = _____

  • 2)

    (-2) x −(-9) =_____

  • 3)

    Which of the following does not represent an Integer?

  • 4)

    (−16) ÷ 4 is the same as

  • 5)

    (−200) ÷ 10 is

7th Maths - Half Yearly Model Question Paper 2019 - 2020 - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    3 + \(\frac { 4 }{ 100 } +\frac { 9 }{ 1000 } \) = ?

  • 2)

    The simplest form of 0.35 is

  • 3)

    In the formula, C = 2πr, ‘r’ refers to

  • 4)

    The formula used to find the area of the rectangular path is

  • 5)

    The unit digit of the numeric expression 1071 + 1072 + 1073 is

7th Maths - Term 2 Algebra Five Marks - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Find the unit digit of the following exponential numbers:

  • 2)

    Find the unit digit of the following exponential numbers:

  • 3)

    Find the unit digit of the following exponential numbers:

  • 4)

    Find the unit digit of the large numbers:

  • 5)

    Find the unit digit of the large numbers:

7th Maths - Term 2 Measurements Five Marks - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Find the area of the circle of radius 21 cm (Use π = 3.14).

  • 2)

    Find the area of a hula loop whose diameter is 28 cm (use \(\pi =\frac { 22 }{ 7 } \)).

  • 3)

    The area of the circular region is 2464 cm2. Find its radius and diameter. (use \(\pi =\frac { 22 }{ 7 } \)).

  • 4)

    A gardener walks around a circular park of distance 154 m. If he wants to level the park at the rate of Rs.25 per sq.m, how much amount will he need? (use \(\pi =\frac { 22 }{ 7 } \))

  • 5)

    Find the length of the rope by which a cow must be tethered in order that it may be able to graze an area of 9856 sq.m ((use \(\pi =\frac { 22 }{ 7 } \))

7th Maths - Term 2 Number System Five Marks - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Write the shaded portion of the figures given below as a fraction and as a decimal number.


  • 2)

    Express the following fractions as decimal numbers.
     \(\frac { 3 }{ 5 } \)

  • 3)

    Find the decimal form of the following fractions.
    153 + 96 + 7 + \(\frac { 5 }{ 10 } \) + \(\frac { 2 }{ 1000 } \)

  • 4)

    Write each of the following as decimals.
    Four hundred four and five hundredths

  • 5)

    Express the following as fractions
    A capsule contains 0.85 mg of medicine.

7th Maths - Term 2 Geometry Three Marks - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Can the following angles form a triangle?
    (i) 800, 700, 500 
    (ii) 560, 640, 600

  • 2)

    Find the measure of the missing angle in the given triangle ABC.

  • 3)

    In ΔSTU, if SU = UT, ㄥSUT = 700, ㄥSTU = x, find the value of x.

  • 4)

    If two angles of a triangle having measures 650 and 350, find the measure of the third angle.

  • 5)

    In ΔPQR, find the exterior angle, ㄥSRQ.

7th Maths - Term 2 Algebra Three Marks - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Express 729 in exponential form.

  • 2)

    Express the following numbers in exponential form with the given base:
    243, base 3.

  • 3)

    Find the value of

  • 4)

    Find the value of 23 + 32

  • 5)

    Which is greater 34 or 43?

7th Maths - Term 2 Measurements Three Marks - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Calculate the circumference of the bangle shown in Figure (Take p = 3.14 ).

  • 2)

    What is the circumference of the circular disc of radius 14 cm? (use \(\pi =\frac { 22 }{ 7 } \))

  • 3)

    If the circumference of the circle is 132 m. Then calculate the radius and diameter (Take \(\pi =\frac { 22 }{ 7 } \)).

  • 4)

    What is the distance travelled by the tip of the seconds hand of a clock in 1 minute, if the length of the hand is 56 mm (use \(\pi =\frac { 22 }{ 7 } \)).

  • 5)

    The radius of a tractor wheel is 77 cm. Calculate the distance covered by it in 35 rotations? (use \(\pi =\frac { 22 }{ 7 } \))

7th Maths - Term 2 Number System Three Marks - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Represent the following decimal numbers pictorially.
    (i) 0.3
    (ii) 3.6
    (iii) 2.7
    (iv) 11.4

  • 2)

    Write the following in the place value grid and find the place value of the underlined digits.
    (i) 0.37
    (ii) 2.73
    (iii) 28.271

  • 3)

    The height of a person is 165 cm. Express this height in metre.

  • 4)

    Praveen goes trekking with his friends. He has to record the distance in kilometres in his sports book. Can you help him?
    The trekking record for four days are given below
    4 m

  • 5)

    Express the numbers given in expanded form in the place value grid. Also write its decimal representation.
    3 + \(\frac { 5 }{ 10 } +\frac { 3 }{ 100 } +\frac { 4 }{ 1000 } \)

7th Maths - Term 2 Information Processing Two Marks Question - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Complete the Pascal’s Triangle.

  • 2)

    The following hexagonal shapes are taken from Pascal’s Triangle. Fill in the missing numbers.

  • 3)

    Complete the Pascal’s Triangle by taking the numbers 1, 2, 6, 20 as line of symmetry.

  • 4)

    Find the trianglular numbers from the Pascal’s Triangle and colour them.

  • 5)

    Write the first five numbers in the third slanting row of the Pascal’s Triangle and find their squares. What do you infer?

7th Maths - Term 2 Geometry Two Marks Question - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Observe the figure and find the value of
    ㄥA + ㄥN + ㄥG + ㄥL + ㄥE + ㄥS.

  • 2)

    If the three angles of a triangle are in the ratio 3: 5: 4, then find them.

  • 3)

    In ΔABC, if ㄥB is 3 times ㄥA and ㄥC is 2 times ㄥA, then find the angles.

  • 4)

    In ΔLMN, MN is extended to O. If ㄥMLN = 100 – x, ㄥLMN = 2x and ㄥLNO = 6x – 5, find the value of x.

  • 5)

    Given that ΔABC ≅ ΔDEF (i) List all the corresponding congruent sides (ii) List all the corresponding congruent angles.

7th Maths - Term 2 Algebra Two Marks Question - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Express each of the following numbers using exponential form.

  • 2)

    Express each of the following numbers using exponential form.

  • 3)

    Simplify the following.
    52 x104

  • 4)

    Find the value of the following.

  • 5)

    Simplify using laws of exponents.
    3y x 12y

7th Maths - Term 2 Measurements Two Marks Question - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Diameters of different circles are given below. Find their circumference (Take π = \(\frac { 22 }{ 7 } \)).
    d = 70 cm

  • 2)

    Diameters of different circles are given below. Find their circumference (Take π =\(\frac { 22 }{ 7 } \)).
    d = 56 m

  • 3)

    Find the circumference of the circles whose radii are given below.
    49 cm

  • 4)

    The diameter of a circular well is 4.2 m. What is its circumference?

  • 5)

    The diameter of the bullock cart wheel is 1.4 m. Find the distance covered by it in 150 rotations?

7th Maths - Term 2 Number System Two Marks Question - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Express the following in cm using decimal.
    5 mm

  • 2)

    Express the following in metres using decimal.
    8 cm 9 mm

  • 3)

    Expand the following decimal numbers.

  • 4)

    Write the following decimal numbers in the place value table.

  • 5)

    Write each of the following as decimal numbers.
    6 + \(\frac { 0 }{ 10 } +\frac { 0 }{ 100 } +\frac { 9 }{ 1000 } \)

7th Maths Term 2 Information Processing One Mark Questions with Answer - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Identify the correct relationship between x and y from the given table.

    x 1 2 3 4 ...
    y 4 8 12 16 ...
  • 2)

    Identify the correct relationship between x and y from the given table.

    x -2 -1 0 1 2 ...
    y 6 3 0 -3 -6 ...
  • 3)

    The elements along the sixth row of the Pascal’s Triangle is

  • 4)

    The difference between the consecutive terms of the fifth slanting row containing four elements of a Pascal’s Triangle is

  • 5)

    What is the sum of the elements of nineth row in the Pascal’s Triangle?

7th Maths Term 2 Geometry One Mark Questions with Answer - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    The angles of a triangle are in the ratio 2: 3: 4. Then the angles are

  • 2)

    One of the angles of a triangle is 650. If the difference of the other two angles is 450, then the two angles are

  • 3)

    In the given figure, AB is parallel to CD. Then the value of b is

  • 4)

    In the given figure, which of the following statement is true?

  • 5)

    An exterior angle of a triangle is 700 and two interior opposite angles are equal. Then measure of each of these angle will be

7th Maths Term 2 Measurements One Mark Questions with Answer - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Formula used to find the circumference of a circle is

  • 2)

    In the formula, C = 2πr, ‘r’ refers to

  • 3)

    If the circumference of a circle is 82π , then the value of ‘r’ is

  • 4)

    Circumference of a circle is always

  • 5)

    The formula used to find the area of the circle is ________ sq.units.

7th Maths Term 2 Algebra One Mark Questions with Answer - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    a x a x a x a x a is equal to

  • 2)

    The exponential form of 72 is

  • 3)

    The value of x in the equation a13 = x3 x a10 is

  • 4)

    How many zeros are there in 10010?

  • 5)

    240 + 240 is equal to

7th Maths Term 2 Number System One Mark Questions with Answer - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    The place value of 3 in 85.073 is _______

  • 2)

    To convert grams into kilograms, we have to divide it by

  • 3)

    The decimal representation of 30 kg and 43 g is ____ kg.

  • 4)

    A cricket pitch is about 264 cm wide. It is equal to ____ m.

  • 5)

    3 + \(\frac { 4 }{ 100 } +\frac { 9 }{ 1000 } \) = ?

7th Maths Term 2 Information Processing Model Question Paper - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Identify the correct relationship between x and y from the given table.

    x 1 2 3 4 ...
    y 4 8 12 16 ...
  • 2)

    Identify the correct relationship between x and y from the given table.

    x -2 -1 0 1 2 ...
    y 6 3 0 -3 -6 ...
  • 3)

    The elements along the sixth row of the Pascal’s Triangle is

  • 4)

    The difference between the consecutive terms of the fifth slanting row containing four elements of a Pascal’s Triangle is

  • 5)

    What is the sum of the elements of nineth row in the Pascal’s Triangle?

7th Maths Term 2 Geometry Model Question Paper - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    One of the angles of a triangle is 650. If the difference of the other two angles is 450, then the two angles are

  • 2)

    In the given figure, AB is parallel to CD. Then the value of b is

  • 3)

    An exterior angle of a triangle is 700 and two interior opposite angles are equal. Then measure of each of these angle will be

  • 4)

    In a ΔABC, AB = AC. The value of x is ____.

  • 5)

    Which of the following methods are used to check the congruence of plane figures?

7th Maths Term 2 Algebra Model Question Paper - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    a x a x a x a x a is equal to

  • 2)

    The unit digit of (32 x 65)0 is

  • 3)

    The unit digit of the numeric expression 1071 + 1072 + 1073 is

  • 4)

    The degree of 6x7−7x3 + 4 is

  • 5)

    If p(x) and q(x) are two expressions of degree 3, then the degree of p(x) + q(x) is

7th Maths Term 2 Measurements Model Question Paper - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    The ratio of the area of a circle to the area of its semicircle is

  • 2)

    Area of a circle of radius ‘n’ units is

  • 3)

    The formula to find the area of the circular path is

  • 4)

    The formula used to find the area of the rectangular path is

  • 5)

    The formula to find the width of the circular path is

7th Maths Term 2 Number System Model Question Paper - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    3 + \(\frac { 4 }{ 100 } +\frac { 9 }{ 1000 } \) = ?

  • 2)

    \(\frac { 3 }{ 5 } \) = ______

  • 3)

    The simplest form of 0.35 is

  • 4)

    0.009 is equal to

  • 5)

    The decimal number which lies between 4 and 5 is ____

7th Standard Maths Term 1 Geometry 3 Marks and 5 Marks Questions - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    If \(\angle\)POQ = 23° and \(\angle\)POR = 62° then find \(\angle\)QOR

  • 2)

    Two angles are in the ratio 3:2. If they are linear pair, find them.

  • 3)

    Can two lines intersect in more than one point?

  • 4)

    In the figure EF parallel to GH

  • 5)

    In the given figure, the arms of two angles are parallel. If ∠ABC = 70°, then find
    (i) ∠DGC
    (ii) ∠DEF

7th Standard Maths Term 1 Direct and Inverse Proportion 3 Marks and 5 Marks Questions - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    If 6 children shared 24 pencils equally, then how many pencils are required for 18 children?

  • 2)

    If 15 chart papers together weigh 50 grams, how many of the same type will be there in a pack of 2\(\frac {1}{2}\) kilogram?

  • 3)

    Anbu bought 2 notebooks for Rs 24. How much money will be needed to buy 9 such notebooks?

  • 4)

    A car travels 90 km in 2hours 30 minutes. How much time is required to cover 210 km?

  • 5)

    In the following table find out x and y vary directly or inversely?

    x 8 16 32 256
    y 32 16 8 1

7th Standard Maths Term 1 Algebra 3 Marks and 5 Marks Questions - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Find the numerical co-efficient of the following terms. Also, find the co efficient of x and y in each of the term: 3x, - 5xy, - yz, 7xyz, y, 16yx.

  • 2)

    Find two consecutive natural numbers whose sum is 75.

  • 3)

    If A = 2a2- 4b - 1; B = 5a+ 3b - 8 and C = 2a+ 9b + 3 then find the value of A - B + C.

  • 4)

    How much 2x- 2x+ 3x + 5 is greater than 2x+ 7x 2- 2x + 7?

  • 5)

    What should be added to 2b2 - a2 to get b2 - 2a2 

7th Maths Term 1 Measurements Three Marks and Five Marks Questions - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    A parallelogram has adjacent sides 12 cm and 9 cm. If the distance between its shorter sides is 8 cm, find the distance between its longer side

  • 2)

    The area of a trapezium is 828 sq. cm. If the lengths of its parallel sides are 19.6 cm and 16.4 cm, find the distance between them.

  • 3)

    ABCD is a rhombus. Find x, y, and z

  • 4)

    Find the altitude ofthe rhombus whose area is 315 cm2 and its perimeter is 180 cm.

  • 5)

    The floor of a building consists of 2000 tiles which are rhombus shaped and each of its diagonals are 40 cm and 25 cm. Find the total cost of polishing the floor, if the cost per m2 = Rs.5.

7th Maths Term 1 Number System Three Marks and Five Marks Questions - by Question Bank Software - View & Read

  • 1)

    Sita saved Rs. 225.00 and she has spent Rs. 400 on credit basis for the purchase of stationery. Find her due amount.

  • 2)

    From the ground floor a man went up six floors and came down six floors. In which floor is he now?

  • 3)

    Roman civilization began in 509 Be and ended in 476 AD. How long did Romans civilization last.

  • 4)

    A submarine was situated 450 feet below sea level. If it descends 300 feet. What is its new position?

  • 5)

    In January the high temperature recorded was 90°F and the low temperature was -2°R Find the difference between the high and the low temperatures?

7th Standard Maths - Geometry Model Question Paper - by Malini - Nagapattinam - View & Read

  • 1)

    Vertically opposite angles are

  • 2)

    The sum of all angles at a point is

  • 3)

    A line which intersects two or more lines in different points is known as

  • 4)

    Which of the following statements is ALWAYS TRUE when parallel lines are cut by a transversal

  • 5)

    Find the angle \(\angle\)JIL from the given figure.

7th Standard Maths - Algebra Model Question Paper - by Malini - Nagapattinam - View & Read

  • 1)

    An algebraic expressions which is equivalent to the verbal statement “Three times the sum of x and y” is

  • 2)

    The value of 7a − 4b when a = 3, b = 2 is

  • 3)

    When we subtract ‘a’ from ‘-a’, we get _______

  • 4)

    The generalization of the number pattern 3, 6, 9, 12,… is

  • 5)

    The equation y + 1 = 0 is true only when y is

7th Standard Maths - Measurements Model Question Paper - by Malini - Nagapattinam - View & Read

  • 1)

    The perimeter of a parallelogram whose adjacent sides are 6 cm and 5 cm is

  • 2)

    The area of the rhombus with side 4 cm and height 3 cm is

  • 3)

    The height of the rhombus whose area 96 sq. m and side 24 m is

  • 4)

    The area of the trapezium, if the parallel sides are measuring 8 cm and 10 cm and the height 5 cm is

  • 5)

    when the non-parallel sides of a trapezium are equal then it is known as

View all

TN Stateboard Updated Class 7th Maths Syllabus

T1 - Number System

Introduction - Addition of Integers - Subtraction of Integers - Multiplication of Integers - Division of Integers - Statement Problems on Integers Using all Fundamental Operations

T1 - Measurements

Introduction - Parallelogram - Rhombus - Trapezium

T1 - Algebra

Introduction - Terms and Co-Efficients - Like and Unlike Terms - Value of an Algebraic Expression - Addition and Subtraction of Algebraic Expression - Simple Linear Equations

T1 - Direct and Inverse Proportion

Introduction - Direct Proportion - Inverse Proportion

T1 - Geometry

Introduction - Pair of Angles Formed by Intersecting Lines - Transversal - Construction

T1 - Information Processing

Introduction - Tetromino - Route Map

TN StateboardStudy Material - Sample Question Papers with Solutions for Class 7 Session 2020 - 2021

Latest Sample Question Papers & Study Material for class 7 session 2020 - 2021 for Subjects Science , Social Science, Maths, Science in PDF form to free download [ available question papers ] for practice. Download QB365 Free Mobile app & get practice question papers.

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