CBSE 10th Standard Science Subject Chemical Reactions and Equations HOT Questions 1 Mark Questions With Solution 2021
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CBSE 10th Standard Science Subject Chemical Reactions and Equations HOT Questions 1 Mark Questions With Solution 2021
10th Standard CBSE
Reg.No. :
A compound ‘X’ is used for drinking has pH=7. Its acidified solution in presence of electricity undergoes decomposition to produce gases ‘Y’ and ’Z’. The volume of ‘Y’ is double than ‘Z’.’Y’ is highly combustible whereas ‘Z’ is a supporter of combustion. Identify ‘X,’Y, ’Z’ and write the chemical reactions involved.
X = water, Y = hydrogen, Z = oxygen. -
A metal nitrate solution ‘A’ is added to reddish brown metal ‘B’. The metal present in ‘A’ is used for making jewellery and turns black in air, very thin foils of metal are used to decorate sweets. The compound ‘C’ formed on chemical reaction is blue in color and metal present in ‘A’ is formed. Identify A’ ‘B’ and ‘C’ and write chemical reactions involved.
(a)A. Silver nitrate
B. Copper
C. Copper nitrate
Displacement reaction -
Silver articles develop black coating and copper articles develop green coating. Which chemical phenomenon is responsible for this coating?
(a)Silver coin with atmospheric sulphur and green coating is of copper carbonate which is formed due to the reaction of copper with moist carbon dioxide from the air.
An aqueous solution of metal nitrate ‘X’ reacts with Sodium bromide solution to form yellow precipitate of compound ‘Y’ which is used in photography. ‘Y’ on exposure to sunlight, undergoes decomposition reaction to form metal present in ‘X’ along with gas. Identify ‘X’ and ‘Y’. Write the chemical reaction and identify the type of reaction.
(a)Decomposition and precipitation
Name the term used for the solution of the reactant or product when dissolved in water.