CBSE 11th Standard Biology Subject Chemical Coordination and Integration Ncert Exemplar 1 Marks Questions With Solution 2021
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CBSE 11th Standard Biology Subject Chemical Coordination and Integration Ncert Exemplar 1 Marks Questions With Solution 2021
11th Standard CBSE
Reg.No. :
Define the terms erythropoiesis. Also name the hormone that simulates it.
(a)Erythropoiesis is the process of formation of RBCs. The juxtaglomerular cells of kidney produce a peptide hormone called erythropoietin which stimulates it.
Name the only hormone secreted by pars intermedia of pituitary gland.
(a)Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone (MSH).
Which of the two adrenocortical layers, zona glomerulosa and zona reticularis lies outside enveloping the other?
(a)Zona glomerulosa (outer layer) envelops zone reticularis (inner layers) from the outside
A patient complains of constant thirst excessive passing of urine and low blood pressure. When the doctor checked the patient's blood glucose and blood insulin level, the level were normal or slightly low The doctor diagnosed the conditions as diabetes insipidus. But he decides to measure on more hormone in patient's blood Which hormone does the doctor intend to measure?
There are many endocrine glands in human body. Name the gland, which is absent in male and the one absent in female.
(a)The glands, which are absent in male are ovaries and which are absent in female are tests
1 Marks