CBSE 11th Standard Biology Subject Digestion and Absorption HOT Questions 1 Marks Questions 2021
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CBSE 11th Standard Biology Subject Digestion and Absorption HOT Questions 1 Marks Questions 2021
11th Standard CBSE
Reg.No. :
Name the mechanism by which nutrients are absorbed in alimentary canal
(a)Small nutrients are absorbed by active transport, some are absorbed by the facilitate transport and simple diffusion
If a person is suffering from reflux oesophagitis, which part of his alimentary canal is not functioning properly.
(a)In a reflux oesophagitis, the esophagus does not function properly.
HCI is secreted in stomach. Give the name of the cells that secrete it.
(a)Oxyntic cells (parietal cells) are present in the epithelial lining of stomach that secretes gastric acid, i.e., HCI.
What is the reason behind the large size of caecum (portion of large intestine) in certain herbivores?
(a)Certain herbivores possess large size caecum so that it can host large number of bacteria that aid in easy enzymatic breakdown of plant materials such as cellulose which they as a food.
Mention the important functioning of peristalsis movement that occurs throughout the alimentary canal.
(a)It is due to these waves of contraction of the circular muscle that passes along the stomach and oesophagus that the food is pushed into the relaxed portion.
If a person is fasting for a prolonged period, what will be the sequence of organic food to be digested by the body
(a)The sequence of organic food to be digested by the body after a prolonged fasting will be
Carbohydrates\(\longrightarrow \)Fats\(\longrightarrow \)Proteins -
Name the nutrients which are absorbed by simple diffusion
(a)Amino acids,and Cl- are absorbed by simple diffusion
State the conditions on which the transport of water depends
(a)The transport of water depends on the osmotic grandient across the intestinal(large) wall.
If the pancreatic duct of person is locked. How would it effect the digestion of fats in the duodenum?
(a)If the pancreatic duct is blocked, pancreatic juice along with digestive enzyme, particularly, lipase, will not reach the duodenum and fat digestion will decrease.
HCl and proteolysis enzymes produced by stomach do not digest its own wall. Why?
(a)Gastric epithelium/ goblet cells secrete thick mucus and protect surface from damage.