CBSE 11th Standard Physics Subject HOT Questions 2 Mark Questions With Solution 2021
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CBSE 11th Standard Physics Subject HOT Questions 2 Mark Questions With Solution 2021
11th Standard CBSE
Reg.No. :
The speed-time graph for a car is shown in figure below.
(i) Find how far the car travels in the first 4 s? Shade the area on the graph that represents the distance travelled by the car during the period.
(ii) Which part of the graph represent uniform motion of the car?(a) -
Prove that the horizontal range is same when angle of projection
(i) greater than 450 by certain value and
(ii) less than 450 by the same value.(a) -
Hatrick and Peterson were good friends. They went to a international trade fair at Pragati Maidan. Peterson saw a shop, where people were firing at balloons. He also asked the shopkeeper for a gun. Peterson fired three shots but none of the shots hit the target and he was qiute confused. Hatrick was watching Peterson. He told Peterson to fire at the balloon by taking aim just above the balloon. Peterson listened to the advice of Hatrick and then he successfully hit all the balloons.
What values are shown by Hatrick?(a) -
Hatrick and Peterson were good friends. They went to a international trade fair at Pragati Maidan. Peterson saw a shop, where people were firing at balloons. He also asked the shopkeeper for a gun. Peterson fired three shots but none of the shots hit the target and he was qiute confused. Hatrick was watching Peterson. He told Peterson to fire at the balloon by taking aim just above the balloon. Peterson listened to the advice of Hatrick and then he successfully hit all the balloons.
What do you mean by projectile motion?(a) -
A skilled gun man always keeps his gun slightly tilted above the line of sight while shooting. Why?
(a) -
Why does a child feel more pain when she falls down on a hard cament floor, than when she falls on the soft muddy ground in the garden ?
(a) -
Explain how a cat is able to land on its feet after a fall taking the advantage of principle of conservation of angular momentum?
(a) -
Does the change in gravitational potential energy of a body between two given points depends upon the nature of path followed, why?
(a) -
Although velocity of air molecules is very fast but fragrance of a perfume spreads at a much slower rate, explain?
(a) -
The maximum acceleration of a simple harmonic oscillator is a0 and the maximum velocity is v0 . What is the displacement amplitude?