CBSE 12th Standard Biology Subject Microbes in Human Welfare Ncert Exemplar 1 Marks Questions With Solution 2021
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CBSE 12th Standard Biology Subject Microbes in Human Welfare Ncert Exemplar 1 Marks Questions With Solution 2021
12th Standard CBSE
Reg.No. :
Why is distillation required for producing certain alcoholic beverages?
(a)Distillation improves /increases the alcohol content
Name the scientists who were credited for showing the role of Penicillin as an antibiotic.
(a)Ernst chain and howard Florey.
What would have happened if antibiotics were not discovered?
(a)The mortality rate would have increased due to various bacterial diseases which are otherwise controlled by antibiotics.
Why is distillation required for producing certain alcoholic drinks?
(a)Distillation increases the alcohol content in alcoholic drinks.
Name any two species of fungus, which are used in the manufacturing of antibiotics.
(a)Aspergillus fumigatus and Penicillium notatum
1 Marks