QB365 covers complete information about 11th Standard CBSE Computer Science Subject for 2024-2025 Exam. Question Bank includes 11th Standard CBSE Computer Science Subjects Book back, exercise, Updated Question types MCQ, Case Study , Assertion and reason with solution, Previous year asked questions, all possible questions and other key points also. All question with detailed answers are readily available for preparting Maths question papers.
Basic Computer Organisation
Software Concepts
Memory Units and Number System
Operating System
Basic Concepts of Flowchart
Boolean Algebra
Cloud and Parallel Computing
Python Fundamentals
Data Handling
Conditional and Looping Constructs
Idea of Debugging
Lists, Tuples and Dictionaries
Sorting Algorithms
String Manipulation
Relational Databases
Structured Query Language (SQL)
Aggregate Functions
Basics of NoSQL Databases
Society, Law and Ethics
Online Access and Safe Communication
Computer System - Mobile System - Central Processing Unit (CPU) - Memory units and Concepts - Hard Disk - Input I Output Devices - Battery
System Software - Application Software - Utility Software
Number System and Information Representation - Representing Integers and Characters
Notion of an operating system - How an operating system runs a program - Idea of loading - Operating system as a resource manager
Basic concepts of Flowchart
Boolean logic - OR - AND - NAND - NOR - XOR - NOT - Truth tables - De Morgan’s laws
Concept of cloud computing - Cloud (public/private) - Introduction to parallel computing
Features of Python - Python Character Set - Token & Identifiers - Keywords - Literals - Delimiters - Operators - Comments: (Single line & Multiline / Continuation statements) - Clarity & Simplification of expression - Introduce the notion of a variable - Methods to manipulate it (concept of Lvalue and R-value evenif not taught explicitly)
Knowledge of data types and operators: Accepting input from the console - Assignment statement - Expressions - Operators and their precedence - Operators & Types: Binary operators-Arithmetic - Relational operators - Logical Operators - Augmented Assignment operators
Conditional statements: if - if-else - if-elif-else - Simple programs: Absolute value - Sort 3 numbers - Divisibility - Notion of iterative computation and control flow: for(range() - len()) - while - flowcharts - Suggested programs: Interest calculation - Factorials
Idea of Debugging: Errors and Exceptions - Debugging: PDB, Breakpoints
Finding the maximum - Minimum - Mean - Linear search on list/tuple of numbers - Counting the frequency of elements in a list using a dictionary - Introduce the notion of accessing elements in a collection using numbers and names.
Bubble and insertion sort - Count the number of operations while sorting
Traversing - Compare - Concat - Substring
Concept of a database - Relations - Attributes - Tuples - Keys - Candidate key - Primary key - Alternate key - Foreign key - Degree - Cardinality of a table
DDL/DML commands to CREATE TABLE - INSERT INTO - UPDATE TABLE - DELETE FROM - ALTER TABLE - MODIFY TABLE - DROP TABLE - Keys - Foreign keys - To view content of a table: SELECT-FROM-WHERE-ORDER BY along with BETWEEN - IN - LIKE (Queries only on single table)
Basics of NoSQL databases
Cyber Safety - Social Networking
Safety Accessing Websites - Solutions to Computer - Security Threats