QB365 covers complete information about 7th Standard CBSE Science Subject for 2024-2025 Exam. Question Bank includes 7th Standard CBSE Science Subjects Book back, exercise, Updated Question types MCQ, Case Study , Assertion and reason with solution, Previous year asked questions, all possible questions and other key points also. All question with detailed answers are readily available for preparting Maths question papers.
Nutrition in Plants
Nutrition in Animals
Fibre to Fabric
Acids, Bases and Salts
Physical and Chemical Changes
Weather, Climate and Adaptations of Animals to Climate
Winds, Storms and Cyclones
Respiration in Organisms
Transpiration in Animals and Plants
Reproduction in Plants
Motion and Time
Electric Current and Effects
Water: A Precious Resource
Forests: Our Lifeline
Wastewater Story
Modes of Nutrition-Components of Food and Replenishment of Soil
Introduction to Nutrition-Human Digestive System-Digestion in Ruminants-Nutrition in Amoeba.
Wool and Silk-Silk
Heat and Measuring Temperature-Transfer of Heat
Acids and Bases-Natural Indicators Around Us-Neutralization
Physical and Chemical Changes-Rusting of Iron-Crystallisation
Weather-Climate-Adaptation in Animals.
Air Exerts Pressure-Air Expands on Heating-Thunderstorms and Cyclones
Soil and Soil Profile-Properties of Soil-Types of Soil and Suitable Crops-Soil Erosion.
Respiration and Its Types-Breathing-Human Respiration-Respiration in Other Animals-Respiration in Plants.
Circulatory System in Animals-Heartbeat, Heart Rate and Pulse-Human Excretion-Transportation in Plants.
Vegetative Propagation-Asexual Reproduction-Sexual Reproduction.
Slow or Fast- Speed-Measurement of Time-Measurement of Speed and Distance-Time Graph
Symbols of Electric Components-Heating and Magnetic Effect of Electric Current.
Light Travels Along A Straight Line-Reflection of Light-Mirrors-Images Formed By Lenses-Sunlight- White Or Colored.
Water Availability and Its Forms-Groundwater as an Important Source of Water-Water Management-Depletion of Water Table.
Forest as a Habitat-Structure of Forest-Deforestation.
Wastewater and Its Cleaning-Housekeeping and Public Sanitation.
Mode of Nutrition in Plants-Photosynthesis-Food Making Process in Plants-Other Modes of Nutrition in Plants-Saprotrophs-How Nutrients are Replenished in The Soil
Different Ways of Taking Food-Digestion in Humans-Digestion in Grass-Eating Animals-Feeding and Digestion in Amoeba
Hot and Cold-Measuring Temperature-Laboratory Thermometer-Transfer of Heat-Kinds of Clothes We Wear in Summer and Winter
Acids and Bases-Natural Indicators around Us-Neutralisation-Neutralisation in Everyday Life
Physical Changes-Chemical Change-Rusting of Iron-Crystallisation
Weather-Climate-Climate and Adaptation
Air Exerts Pressure-High Speed Winds are Accompanied by Reduced Air Pressure-Air Expands on Heating-Wind Currents are Generated Due to Uneven Heating on the Earth-Thunderstorms and Cyclones-Destruction Caused by Cyclones-Effective Safety Measures-Advanced Technology Has Helped
Soil Teeming With Life-Soil Profile-Soil Types-Properties of Soil-Moisture in Soil-Absorption of Water by Soil-Soil and Crops
Why do We Respire?-Breathing-How do we Breathe?-What do we Breathe Out?-Breathing in Other Animals-Breathing under Water-do Plants also Respire?
Circulatory System-Excretion in Animals-Transport of Substances in Plants
Modes of Reproduction-Sexual Reproduction-Fruits and Seed Formation-Seed Dispersal
Slow or Fast-Speed-Measurement of Time-Measuring Speed-Distance-Time Graph
Symbols of Electric Components-Heating Effect of Electric Current-Magnetic Effect of Electric Current-Electromagnet-Electric Bell
Light Travels Along A Straight Line-Reflection of Light-Right or Left-Playing With Spherical Mirrors-Images Formed By Lenses-Sunlight: White or Coloured
How Much Water is Available-Forms of Water-Groundwater As An Important Source of Water-Depletion of Water Table-Distribution of Water-Water Management-What Role You Can Play-Effect of Water Scarcity on Plants
Visit to a Forest
Water, Our Lifeline-What is Sewage?-Water Freshens Up :An Eventful Journey-Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP)-Better Housekeeping Practices-Sanitation and Disease-Alternative Arrangement for Sewage Disposal-Sanitation at Public Places