QB365 covers complete information about 8th Standard CBSE Science Subject for 2024-2025 Exam. Question Bank includes 8th Standard CBSE Science Subjects Book back, exercise, Updated Question types MCQ, Case Study , Assertion and reason with solution, Previous year asked questions, all possible questions and other key points also. All question with detailed answers are readily available for preparting Maths question papers.
Crop Production and Management
Microorganisms Friend and Foe
Synthetic Fibres and Plastics
Materials: Metals and Non-Metals
Coal and Petroleum
Combustion and Flame
Conservation of Plants & Animals
Cell - Structure and Functions
Reproduction in Animals
Reaching the Age of Adolescence
Force and Pressure
Chemical Effects of Electric Current
Some Natural Phenomena
Stars and The Solar System
Pollution of Air and Water
Crop production-Micro-organisms
Materials in daily life-Different kinds of materials and their reactions.
Why conserve - The cell - How babies are formed.
The idea of force - Friction - Pressure - Sound
Electric current and circuits
Rain, thunder, and lightning - Light - Night sky - Earthquake.
Man’s intervention in phenomena of nature - Pollution of air and water.
Agricultural Practices-Basic Practices of Crop Production-Preparation of Soil-Sowing-Adding Manure and Fertilisers-Irrigation-Protection from Weeds-Harvesting-Storage-Food from Animals
Microorganisms-Where do Microorganisms Live?-Microorganisms and Us-Harmful Microorganisms-Food Preservation-Nitrogen Fixation-Nitrogen Cycle
Synthetic Fibers and Plastics
What are Synthetic Fibres?-Types of Synthetic Fibres-Characteristics of Synthetic Fibres-Plastics as Materials of Choice-Plastics and the Environment
Physical Properties of Metals and Non-Metals-Chemical Properties of Metals and Non-Metals-Uses of Metals and Non-Metals
Coal-Petroleum-Natural Gas-Some Natural Resources are Limited
What is Combustion?-How Do We Control Fire?-Types of Combustion-Flame-Structure of a Flame-What is a Fuel?-Fuel Efficiency
Deforestation and its Causes-Consequences of Deforestation-Conservation of Forest and Wildlife-Biosphere Reserve-Flora and Fauna-Endemic Species-Wildlife Sanctuary-National Park-Red Data Book-Migration-Recycling of Paper-Reforestation
Discovery of the Cell-The Cell-Organisms show Variety in Cell Number, Shape and Size-Cell Structure and Function-Parts of the Cell-Comparison of Plant and Animal Cells
Modes of Reproduction-Sexual Reproduction-Asexual Reproduction
Adolescence and Puberty-Changes at Puberty-Secondary Sexual Characters-Role of Hormones in Initiating Reproductive Function-Reproductive Phase of Life in Humans-How is the Sex of the Baby Determined-Hormones other than Sex Hormones-Role of Hormones in Completing the Life History of Insects and Frogs-Reproductive Health
Force-A Push or a Pull-Forces are due to an Interaction-Exploring Forces-A Force can Change the State of Motion-Force can Change the Shape of an Object-Contact Forces-Non-Contact Forces-Pressure-Pressure Exerted by Liquids and Gases-Atmospheric Pressure
Force of Friction-Factors affecting Friction-Friction: A Necessary Evil-Increasing and Reducing Friction-Wheels Reduce Friction-Fluid Friction
Sound is produced by a Vibrating Body-Sound Produced by Humans-Sound Needs a Medium for Propagation-We Hear Sound through Our Ears-Amplitude, Time Period and Frequency of a Vibration-Audible and Inaudible Sounds-Noise and Music-Noise Pollution
Do Liquids Conduct Electricity?-Chemical Effects of Electric Current-Electroplating
Lightning-Charging by Rubbing-Types of Charges and Their Interaction-Transfer of Charge-The Story of Lightning-Lightning Safety-Earthquakes
What makes Things Visible-Laws of Reflection-Regular and Diffused Reflection-Reflected Light Can be Reflected Again-Multiple Images-Sunlight :White or Coloured-What is inside Our Eyes?-Care of the Eyes-Visually Impaired Persons Can Read and Write-What is the Braille System?
The Moon-The Stars-Constellations-The Solar System-Some Other Members of the Solar System
Air Pollution-How does Air Get Polluted?-Case Study: The Taj Mahal-Greenhouse Effect-What can be Done?-Water Pollution-How does Water Get Polluted?-What is Potable Water and How is Water Purified ?-What Can be Done?